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Complex Human Dynamics: From Mind to Societies (Understanding Complex Systems)
Complex Human Dynamics: From Mind to Societies (Understanding Complex Systems)

This book, edited and authored by a closely collaborating network of social scientists and psychologists, recasts typical research topics in these fields into the language of nonlinear, dynamic and complex systems. The aim is to provide scientists with different backgrounds - physics, applied mathematics and computer sciences - with the...

High Strain Rate Behavior of Nanocomposites and Nanocoatings (SpringerBriefs in Materials)
High Strain Rate Behavior of Nanocomposites and Nanocoatings (SpringerBriefs in Materials)

This book describes the use of multiwall carbon nanotubes as composites with polycarbonates and as protective coatings on glass surfaces. The book explains fabrication and characterization methods for these composites and coatings.  The author reports on the use of Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar set up for evaluating the dynamic...

Practical Treatment Options for Chronic Pain in Children and Adolescents: An Interdisciplinary Therapy Manual
Practical Treatment Options for Chronic Pain in Children and Adolescents: An Interdisciplinary Therapy Manual

Pain is an increasingly common symptom in children and adolescents, and nearly 5% of the paediatric population now suffer from severe chronic pain conditions. This manual describes the inpatient treatment programme of one of the world’s largest treatment facility for chronic pain in children – The German Paediatric Pain Centre...

Dense Sphere Packings: A Blueprint for Formal Proofs (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Dense Sphere Packings: A Blueprint for Formal Proofs (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)

The 400-year-old Kepler conjecture asserts that no packing of congruent balls in three dimensions can have a density exceeding the familiar pyramid-shaped cannonball arrangement. In this book, a new proof of the conjecture is presented that makes it accessible for the first time to a broad mathematical audience. The book also presents...

Building a Home Security System with BeagleBone
Building a Home Security System with BeagleBone

With Boost libraries you can really unleash the power of C++. Learn to build applications faster and better through a cookbook approach that uses tons of recipes to make it all so easy to assimilate and apply.

  • Build your own state-of-the-art security system
  • Monitor your system from anywhere you can receive...
Execution IS the Strategy: How Leaders Achieve Maximum Results in Minimum Time
Execution IS the Strategy: How Leaders Achieve Maximum Results in Minimum Time
Turn Strategy into Performance!

In today’s world of rapid, disruptive change, strategy can’t be separate from execution—it has to emerge from execution. You have to continually adjust your strategy to fit new realities. But if your organization isn’t set up to be fast on its feet, you could
The Art of Product Design: Changing How Things Get Made
The Art of Product Design: Changing How Things Get Made

Embrace Open Engineering and accelerate the design and manufacturing processes

Product development is a team sport, but most companies don't practice it that way. Organizations should be drawing on the creativity of engaged customers and outsiders, but instead they rely on the same small group of internal...

Pro Bash Programming, Second Edition: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell
Pro Bash Programming, Second Edition: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell

Pro Bash Programming teaches you how to effectively utilize the Bash shell in your programming. The Bash shell is a complete programming language, not merely a glue to combine external Linux commands. By taking full advantage of Shell internals, Shell programs can perform as snappily as utilities written in C or other compiled...

Nursing Older Adults
Nursing Older Adults

"Never was a book like this more urgently needed. Its combination of authority and experience makes it especially valuable. Its wisdom is based on the knowledge and understanding of how growing frail really afflicts older people. We who have known independence and freedom need to have our lives respected. This book makes a good...

IBM Worklight Mobile Application Development Essentials
IBM Worklight Mobile Application Development Essentials

Your move onto mobile devices is simplified when you use IBM Worklight and this user-friendly tutorial. After a guided tour through the components you'll learn how to utilize them to optimize your mobile applications.

About This Book

  • Develop Mobile Apps that can be deployed on multiple mobile...
A Course in Complex Analysis: From Basic Results to Advanced Topics
A Course in Complex Analysis: From Basic Results to Advanced Topics

This carefully written textbook is an introduction to the beautiful concepts and results of complex analysis. It is intended for international bachelor and master programmes in Germany and throughout Europe; in the Anglo-American system of university education the content corresponds to a beginning graduate course. The book presents the...

Moving Innovation: A History of Computer Animation (MIT Press)
Moving Innovation: A History of Computer Animation (MIT Press)

Computer graphics (or CG) has changed the way we experience the art of moving images. Computer graphics is the difference between Steamboat Willie and Buzz Lightyear, between ping pong and PONG. It began in 1963 when an MIT graduate student named Ivan Sutherland created Sketchpad, the first true computer animation program. Sutherland...

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