Financial Ratios for Executives is written specifically with today’s global executive in mind. It makes financial ratios easy to understand and use effectively. This short book will prove invaluable to both financial and non-financial executives looking for easy, intuitive methods to assess corporate health and assist in...
If you're comfortable with jQuery but a bit shaky with JavaScript, this concise guide will help you expand your knowledge of the language-especially the code that jQuery covers up for you. Many jQuery devotees write as little code as possible, but with some JavaScript under your belt, you can prevent errors, reduce overhead, and make...
Allied Fighting Effectiveness is a collection of scholarly papers focusing on a variety of different aspects of the major campaigns of North Africa, Sicily and Italy, ranging from operation TORCH to the end of the war in Europe.
The book presents research papers presented by academicians, researchers, and practicing structural engineers from India and abroad in the recently held Structural Engineering Convention (SEC) 2014 at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi during 22 – 24 December 2014. The book is divided into three volumes and encompasses...
The book presents research papers presented by academicians, researchers, and practicing structural engineers from India and abroad in the recently held Structural Engineering Convention (SEC) 2014 at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi during 22 – 24 December 2014. The book is divided into three volumes and encompasses...
Collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) are multi-user virtual realities which actively support communication and co-operation. This book offers a comprehensive reference volume to the state-of-the-art in the area of design studies in CVEs. It is an excellent mix of contributions from over 25 leading researcher/experts in multiple...
Professional athletes, surgeons, first responders--all perform remarkable feats in the face of intense stress. Why do they thrive under pressure, while others succumb? What separates the two is attitude. Resilient people meet adversity head-on and bounce back from setbacks. They seem to naturally exude an inner strength--but studies show that...
Traditionally, wetlands were considered separately from river basin systems. However, nowadays it is becoming common practice to follow an integrated approach in wetland-riverine watershed analysis and management. Such approach requires not only adequate representations of all relevant bio-physical parameters, but also of socio-political and...
Salt is one of the many but unique tools available today for configuration management and orchestration. Salt not only enables us to seamlessly configure our infrastructure, but also to perform all sorts of tasks based on a variety of conditions and properties of the Salt minions. Along with super-fast module execution with the help of the...
This book offers a brand-new perspective on human trafficking as an illegal business. It also proposes a new form of networked action: combining the perspectives of academic researchers with those of highly skilled professionals involved in policymaking in this area, this book is a unique contribution and a first step toward a networking...