 Semiconductor Lasers I: Fundamentals (Optics and Photonics) (Pt. 1)More than three decades have passed since lasing in semiconductors was first observed in several laboratories in 1962 (Hall et al., 1962; Holonyak, Jr. et al., 1962; Nathan et al., 1962; Quist et al., 1962). Although it was one of the first lasers to be demonstrated, the semiconductor laser had to await several important developments, both... |  |  Optical Sources, Detectors, and SystemsOptical Sources, Detectors, and Systems presents a unified approach, from the applied engineering point of view, to radiometry, optical devices, sources, and receivers. One of the most important and unique features of the book is that it combines modern optics, electric circuits, and system analysis into a unified, comprehensive... |  |  VHDL Coding and Logic Synthesis with SynopsysUnlike many other available references, this book is written specifically with practicality in mind. It has over 60 practical examples to help the reader learn how very high-speed integrated hardware description language (VHDL) coding and synthesis can be performed. Starting from simple VHDL coding, the book progresses to complicated, real-world... |
 Light and Video MicroscopyThe most comprehensive guide to understanding video and light microscopy
Most information about the nature of living cells is discovered through light microscope observation. The image seen through a microscope is not a magnified point-by-point representation of the object, but is an abstract representation of the object that... |  |  Adsorption by Powders and Porous Solids: Principles, Methodology and ApplicationsThe declared objective of this book is to provide an introductory review of the various theoretical and practical aspects of adsorption by powders and porous solids with particular reference to materials of technological importance. The primary aim is to meet the needs of students and non-specialists, who are new to surface science or who wish to... |  |  Gas Chromatography and Mass SpectrometryThis guide provides, under one cover, a wealth of practical information designed to facilitate the effectiveness of the GC/MS user. Separation conditions for numerous compound types are provided along with derivatized and underivatized compounds. A section on how to interpret mass spectral data, an extensive correlation of ion masses and neutral... |
 Advances in Cancer Research, Volume 101 (Advances in Cancer Research)Praise for the Serial: "This classic and essential series presents critical overviews on select aspects of both cancer research and the basic underlying sciences." -- American Scientist
"Excellent, highly informative, in-depth reviews...expertly written, up-to-date, and well-referenced." -- Journal of... |  |  Encyclopedia of the Solar System, Second EditionLong before Galileo published his discoveries about Jupiter, lunar craters, and the Milky Way in the Starry Messenger in 1610, people were fascinated with the planets and stars around them. That interest continues today, and scientists are making new discoveries at an astounding rate. Ancient lake beds on Mars, robotic spacecraft missions, and... |  |  Architectural Acoustics (Applications of Modern Acoustics)A comprehensive design guide to all aspects of architectural acoustics--from enhanced performance spaces to sound-proofing multifamily housing to environmental considerations.
Architectural Acoustics presents a comprehensive technical overview of the field at a level suitable for working practitioners as well as advanced... |
 Matlab for Neuroscientists: An Introduction to Scientific Computing in MatlabMatlab is the accepted standard for scientific computing, used globally in virtually all Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology laboratories. For instance, SPM, the most used software for the analysis and manipulation of fMRI images in research and clinical practice is fully programmed in matlab, and its use of the possibility to allow for... |  |  Science of PainThis is an essential reference for researchers who must understand the basic neuroscience of pain, especially underlying mechanisms, in order to develop new and more effective treatments.
This book presents the most current scientific understanding behind most common pain disorders. Clinical scientists involved in pain... |  |  Low Temperature Electronics: Physics, Devices, Circuits, and Applications
Low-temperature electronics has already been studied for more than five decades . Originally the main interest was in fundamental material properties at cryogenic temperatures . Although the real benefits of operating semiconductor devices were clearly demonstrated in the 1970s, a peak in activity occurred a decade later when the cryocompute... |
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