 |  |  Robotics: Designing the Mechanisms for Automated MachineryRobotics, Second Edition is an essential addition to the toolbox of any engineer or hobbyist involved in the design of any type of robot or automated mechanical system. It is the only book available that takes the reader through a step-by step design process in this rapidly advancing specialty area of machine design.
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 The Ap Professional Graphics Cd-Rom LibraryThis volume attempts to continue along the path blazed by the first two volumes of this series, capturing the spirit of the creative graphics programmer. Each of the Gems represents a carefully crafted technique or idea that has proven useful for the respective author. These contributors have graciously allowed these ideas to be shared with you.... |  |  Introduction to Optimum Design, Second EditionIntroduction to Optimum Design is intended for use in a first course on engineering design and optimization. Virtually any problem for which specific parameters need to be determined to satisfy constraints can be formulated as a design optimization problem. The concepts and methods described in the text are quite general and applicable to all such... |  |  |
 Biomedical Information Technology (Biomedical Engineering)The enormous growth in the field of biotechnology necessitates the utilization of information technology for the management, flow and organization of data. The field continues to evolve with the development of new applications to fit the needs of the biomedicine. From molecular imaging to healthcare knowledge management, the storage, access and... |  |  3G EvolutionThis very up-to-date and practical book, written by engineers working closely in 3GPP, gives insight into the newest technologies and standards adopted by 3GPP, with detailed explanations of the specific solutions chosen and their implementation in HSPA and LTE.
The key technologies presented include multi-carrier transmission,... |  |  Maple By Example, Third Edition"Overall, I found the book very nice to read and easy to follow. All major aspects of Maple that a novice to intermediate user would come across are covered." - Laurent Bernard, Maplesoft, Inc.
"The book is eminently readable with a good narrative style and a good blend of didactic exposition followed by the relevant... |
 Introduction to CDMA Wireless CommunicationsThe book gives an in-depth study of the principles of the spread spectrum techniques and their applications in mobile communications. It starts with solid foundations in the digital communications that are essential to unequivocal understanding of the CDMA technology, and guides the reader through the fundamentals and characteristics of cellular... |  |  Artificial Intelligence (Handbook Of Perception And Cognition)The problem of perception and cognition is understanding how the organism transforms, organizes, stores, and uses information arising from the world in sense data or memory. With this definition of perception and cognition in mind, this handbook is designed to bring together the essential aspects of this very large, diverse, and scattered... |  |  Handbook of BiosurveillanceOver the past five years, the very real threat posed by emerging infections and bioterrorism has challenged and revolutionized the practice of disease surveillance. Many cities and countries are constructing new disease surveillance systems. Even the basic concept of surveillance data has changed, expanding dramatically beyond notifiable disease... |
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