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Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft Excel, VBA, and .NET (2nd Edition)
Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft Excel, VBA, and .NET (2nd Edition)

Microsoft Excel is much more than just a spreadsheet. With the introduction of the Visual Basic Editor in Excel 97, followed by the significantly improved stability of Excel 2000, Excel became a respected development platform in its own right. Excel applications are now found alongside those based on C++, Java, and the .NET...

Managing Software Debt: Building for Inevitable Change
Managing Software Debt: Building for Inevitable Change

Shipping imperfect software is like going into debt. When you incur debt, the illusion of doing things faster can lead to exponential growth in the cost of maintaining software. Software debt takes five major forms: technical, quality, configuration management, design, and platform experience. In today’s rush to market, software debt is...

Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise
Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise

In the past decade, the movement to lighter-weight and increasingly agile methods has been the most significant change to affect the software enterprise since the advent of the waterfall model in the 1970s. Originated by a variety of thought and practice leaders and proven in real-world, successful experiments, the methods have proven...

Windows 7 Device Driver (Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series)
Windows 7 Device Driver (Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series)

This book provides the technical guidance and understanding needed to write device drivers for the new Windows 7 Operating System. It takes this very complex programming development, and shows how the Windows Driver Framework has greatly simplified this undertaking. It explains the hardware and software architecture you must...

Lean-Agile Acceptance Test-Driven Development: Better Software Through Collaboration
Lean-Agile Acceptance Test-Driven Development: Better Software Through Collaboration

Developing software with testable requirements is the theme of this book. A testable requirement is one with an acceptance test. Acceptance tests drive the development of the software. As many development groups have experienced, creating acceptance tests prior to implementing requirements decreases defects and...

Drupal's Building Blocks: Quickly Building Web Sites with CCK, Views, and Panels
Drupal's Building Blocks: Quickly Building Web Sites with CCK, Views, and Panels

With Drupal, Web professionals can create full-featured Web sites with just a few clicks. Drupal’s core is compact and well documented, but much of Drupal’s immense power lies elsewhere—in external modules. Drupal’s Building Blocks is an authoritative tutorial, reference, and...

Concurrent Programming on Windows
Concurrent Programming on Windows

“When you begin using multi-threading throughout an application, the importance of clean architecture and design is critical. . . . This places an emphasis on understanding not only the platform’s capabilities but also emerging best practices. Joe does a great job interspersing best practices alongside theory...

The Official Joomla! Book (Joomla! Press)
The Official Joomla! Book (Joomla! Press)

The Official Joomla! Book is the authoritative and comprehensive Joomla! reference for every administrator, developer, designer, and content manager. Distilling the unsurpassed experience of two long-time Joomla! contributors, it teaches exactly what you need to know, through practical example sites and crystal-clear...

Android Wireless Application Development (2nd Edition) (Developer's Library)
Android Wireless Application Development (2nd Edition) (Developer's Library)

Android™ Wireless Application Development  Second Edition


Lauren Darcey

Shane Conder


The start-to-finish guide to Android application...

Scalability Rules: 50 Principles for Scaling Web Sites
Scalability Rules: 50 Principles for Scaling Web Sites

50 Powerful, Easy-to-Use Rules for Supporting Hypergrowth in Any Environment


Scalability Rules is the easy-to-use scalability primer and reference for every architect, developer, web professional, and manager. Authors Martin L. Abbott and...

Objective-C Phrasebook (Developer's Library)
Objective-C Phrasebook (Developer's Library)

Objective-C Phrasebook gives you the code phrases you need to quickly and effectively complete your programming projects with Objective-C, on systems including iOS and Mac OS X.


Concise and Accessible

Easy to...

Rails 3 Way, The (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)
Rails 3 Way, The (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)

The Rails™ 3 Way is a comprehensive resource that digs into the new features in Rails 3 and perhaps more importantly, the rationale behind them.
—Yehuda Katz, Rails Core

The Bible for Ruby on Rails Application Development



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