 Green Tech: How to Plan and Implement Sustainable IT Solutions“Green” is a feel-good term. It has positive, earth-friendly connotations, often without much specificity—perfect for marketing purposes. Sustainability, on the other hand, is something we can measure and manage. We are sustainable when our use of resources does not permanently deplete or damage our supply, including natural... |  |  |  |  |
 101 Boardroom Problems and How to Solve ThemBefore becoming a consultant on meetings and effective decision making, I was employed as an engineer. My motto then was: Silence is golden. Keeping quiet in meetings was safe and risk-free, and rarely did anyone solicit my ideas anyway. Had I shared my input, however, it might have improved the quality of my team’s decisions and reduced its... |  |  Powerful Proposals: How to Give Your Business the Winning EdgeHow does a company constantly win more business than its rivals? A key factor is the ability to create proposals that outshine those from even the strongest competitors. Powerful Proposals helps businesses maximize the selling power of their proposals, with proven strategies for going beyond "this is what we do" documents in... |  |  |
 e-Riches 2.0: Next-Generation Marketing Strategies for Making Millions OnlineWhether you're operating an online business or are looking to expand the Internet presence of your brick-and-mortar company, you'll need surefire marketing techniques if you want to keep your customer base growing and make the kind of money you deserve. This title is featuring inspiring and instructive success stories, as well as easy-to-implement,... |  |  The Little Black Book of Project ManagementFor nearly twenty years, "The Little Black Book of Project Management" has provided businesspeople everywhere with a quick and effective introduction to project management tools and methodology. The revised and updated third edition reflects the newest techniques, the latest project management software, as well as the most recent changes... |  |  How to Write Fast Under PressureAnyone who regularly deals with work-related writing deadlines knows the kind of paralysis that can take over when there's too much to accomplish and not enough time to compose a clear sentence. This book contains an easy, efficient, and confidence-building process for keeping up and being productive, even under tight time constraints and... |
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