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Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming
Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming

Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database Programming introduces you to databases and takes you all the way through to the latest ADO technologies in Visual Basic 6. Step by step, this book will help you to build working database components and applications in Visual Basic. Whether you want to work with databases on your desktop, get access to...

Distributed Data Applications with ASP.NET, Second Edition
Distributed Data Applications with ASP.NET, Second Edition

ASP.NET is a huge advance from previous incarnations of ASP, with one of its goals being pure HTML output that achieves maximum cross-browser compatibility. The server-side event architecture tends to engender this approach, but amid the first flush of excitement its often forgotten that theres still a place for rich clients and handling data...

Holub on Patterns: Learning Design Patterns by Looking at Code
Holub on Patterns: Learning Design Patterns by Looking at Code

This is a book about programming in an object -oriented way and about how to use design patterns to solve commonplace problems in object-oriented systems.

I've based this book on the philosophy that the best way to learn and understand the design patterns is to see them in action, all jumbled up, just as they occur in the

Pro Web Gadgets for Mobile and Desktop (Expert's Voice in Web Development)
Pro Web Gadgets for Mobile and Desktop (Expert's Voice in Web Development)

The miniature web applications known as gadgets (or widgets) are a key component of the distributed web and an ideal way to publish your content far beyond the reach of your own web site. Packaging web content and functionality into a gadget enables it to be seen anywhere from iGoogle to the iPhone—wherever the user may be, on or off...

Practical Web Database Design
Practical Web Database Design

Although many web professionals will have incorporated a database into a web site before, they may not have much experience of designing them - this book will teach you all you need to know about designing a database for use with a web site or web application. From first principles to designing a successful web database, this book will show...

Practical RichFaces (Expert's Voice in Java Technology)
Practical RichFaces (Expert's Voice in Java Technology)

RichFaces 4 is a component library for JavaServer Faces, and an advanced framework for easily integrating AJAX capabilities into business applications. It lets you quickly develop next-generation web applications based on JSF 2/Ajax.

In this definitive RichFaces 4 book, instead of using JBoss Tools, the author bases all...

Visual Basic .NET Class Design Handbook: Coding Effective Classes (Expert's Voice)
Visual Basic .NET Class Design Handbook: Coding Effective Classes (Expert's Voice)
Ask anybody who's heard a bit about Visual Basic .NET what the biggest change over Visual Basic 6 is, and chances are they'll say 'object orientation'. But what does this mean? Visual Basic has been, to some extent, object-oriented since VB5, so what's so groundbreaking about the .NET incarnation? Well, most...
John Zukowski's Definitive Guide to Swing for Java 2 with CD-ROM
John Zukowski's Definitive Guide to Swing for Java 2 with CD-ROM
HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN LOOK AT the Swing libraries and been SO overwhelmed at where ta start that you simply gave up? It isn't an uncommon feeling: Just by themselves, the Swing libraries are much larger than the entire Java 1.0 platform. According ta the The ]ava Developers Almanac 1999 (Addison-Wesley), what started out as a...
Object-Oriented Macromedia Flash MX
Object-Oriented Macromedia Flash MX
  • Teaches object-oriented programming (OOP) from the ground up
  • A step-by-step guide addressed to all programming skill levels
  • Readers will learn to create dynamic, reusable services with Flash ActionScript
  • More information and additional chapters can be found on the author's Web site,...
Beginning .NET Game Programming in C#
Beginning .NET Game Programming in C#

This long-awaited title provides a clear introduction to game programming for you, C# programmers! Microsoft insiders have written an easy-to-read guide, so you can start programming games quickly. This book even includes an introduction to Managed DirectX 9, and other advanced .NET features, like animation and sounds.


Cross-Platform .Net Development: Using Mono, Portable.Net, and Microsoft .Net
Cross-Platform .Net Development: Using Mono, Portable.Net, and Microsoft .Net

.NET is not just for Windows anymore! This unprecedented book examines the advantages of building portable, cross-platform.NET code. Even if you are only vaguely familiar with .NET, with the aid of this book, you’ll quickly learn how to run .NET code on different platforms.

You may run code among the Linux, Unix, Mac OS X,...

Photoshop Elements 2 Tips N Tricks
Photoshop Elements 2 Tips N Tricks

An exciting collection of tips and tricks to help you make the most out of this amazing low-cost piece of software. We'll help you uncover some of the secrets hidden in Adobe Photoshop Elements 2, as well as nifty shortcuts—you'll work more effectively and have more time to play!

You can learn a lot by experimenting,...

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