Pro MySQL NDB Cluster
MySQL NDB Cluster is part of the MySQL family of products. There are few databases matching as many
buzzwords as MySQL NDB Cluster: high availability, SQL, NoSQL, in-memory database, automatic failure
handling, sharding, etc. This book discusses how these properties are integrated into MySQL NDB Cluster
and how they are not just... | | Beginning Bazel: Building and Testing for Java, Go, and More
Discover Bazel, a new build and software test set of tools for today's programmers and developers. This book shows you how to speed up your builds and tests, and how to use Bazel in the context of your favorite programming language. You'll see that the languages and SDKs supported include Java, Android, iOS, and ... | | Introducing Maven: A Build Tool for Today's Java Developers
Gain an understanding of Maven’s dependency management and use it to organize basic and multi-module Maven projects. This short book is your quick-start tutorial for learning to use Maven. It includes inconsistently immutable collections, better array construction, and more from the latest Maven version 3.6. This second edition... |