Classroom Instruction That Works With English Language LearnersIt should come as no surprise to readers of this book that many English language learners (ELLs) are enrolled in U.S. public schools today. Moreover, it should be no shock to learn that this population is continually expanding. There are ELLs in all 50 states— from Alaska to Arizona, from Connecticut to California—as well as in Puerto... |  |  Never Work Harder Than Your Students and Other Principles of Great TeachingIf it ever feels like teaching is just too much hard work, here's a guide that helps you develop a more fluid and automatic way to respond to students and deliver great teaching experiences every time. Using a short set of basic principles and classroom examples that promote reflection, Robyn R. Jackson explains how to develop a master teacher... |  |  Linking Teacher Evaluation and Student Learning
In Linking Teacher Evaluation and Student Learning, researchers Pamela D. Tucker and James H. Stronge show that including measures of student achievement in teacher evaluations can help schools focus their efforts to meet higher standards. You'll see how four school systems have built such measures into their... |