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The Hands-On Project Office: Guaranteeing ROI and On-Time Delivery
The Hands-On Project Office: Guaranteeing ROI and On-Time Delivery
This text offers processes, techniques, and tools that IT managers can use to immediately improve the delivery of IT products and services.

Economic pressures have forced IT executives to demonstrate the immediate and calculable ROI of new technology deployments. Unfortunately, existing IT service delivery often drifts without serious...

Real Process Improvement Using the CMMI
Real Process Improvement Using the CMMI
This book offers non-academic, real-world approaches to implementing CMMI-based process improvement in an organization. The author identifies critical concepts of CMMI, and details how to turn them into real process improvement.

Real Process Improvement Using the CMMI provides real-world concepts and techniques for CMMI-based...

Building and Implementing a Security Certification and Accreditation Program: Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CAPcm CBK
Building and Implementing a Security Certification and Accreditation Program: Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CAPcm CBK
Certification and accreditation has become a major topic of discussion in
the information security arena over the past two to three years, at least
in U.S. government circles. Many government organizations are currently
engaged in employing certification and accreditation processes in response
to the requirements of the Federal
The Laws of Software Process
The Laws of Software Process

Within one generation, software has become one of the principal sources of wealth in the world. The development and use of software has grown faster than for any artifact in the history of the world. Probably no topic or subject in history has accelerated in its rate of practice as software has. Software development now needs to mature into a...

Oracle Internals: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for DBAs
Oracle Internals: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for DBAs

If you are a typical Oracle professional, you don't have the luxury of time to keep up with new technology and read all the new manuals to understand each new feature of each release of Oracle. You need a comprehensive source of information and techniques for using the new technology. You need Oracle Internals: Tips, Tricks, and...

Wireless Internet Handbook: Technologies, Standards, and Applications
Wireless Internet Handbook: Technologies, Standards, and Applications

Wireless applications are definitely the next big thing in communications. Millions of people around the world use the Internet every day—to stay in touch with remote locations, follow the stock market, keep up with the news, check the weather, make travel plans, conduct business, shop, entertain themselves, and learn. The logical next...

Software Configuration Management
Software Configuration Management

An effective systems development and design process is far easier to explain than it is to implement. A framework is needed that organizes the life cycle activities that form the process. This framework is Configuration Management (CM).

Software Configuration Management discusses the framework from a standards viewpoint, using...

Server Disk Management in a Windows Environment
Server Disk Management in a Windows Environment

Hard drives and disk management receive scant attention from the industry press, yet recent surveys have identified disk failure as the #1 source of server downtime. Combine this fact with the skyrocketing TCO of data storage management, and it is apparent that server disk management is a subject deserving of much more scrutiny.

The Hacker's Handbook: The Strategy Behind Breaking into and Defending Networks
The Hacker's Handbook: The Strategy Behind Breaking into and Defending Networks
In many ways, this is almost the hardest chapter to pen in this book; in writing
this, I am forced to relive the many occasions on which I have stood in
a bookstore leafing through a technical book, trying to determine its value
to the technical “excursion” I am currently embarked on. I generally start
with the
Software Architecture Design Patterns in Java
Software Architecture Design Patterns in Java
 Partha Kuchana is an experienced enterprise systems architect. He understands that patterns are not about things that are just good ideas, but that patterns are about capturing knowledge bred from experience. This hard-won knowledge is what Partha is sharing with readers of his book. Here are some of the things I really like about what he has...
Grid Database Design
Grid Database Design
Computing has come a long way since our earliest beginnings. Many of
us have seen complete revisions of computing technology in our lifetimes.

I am not that old, and I have seen punch cards and Cray supercomputers,
numbered Basic on an Apple IIe, and highly structured C. Nearly all of
us can remember when the World Wide
Lightweight Enterprise Architectures
Lightweight Enterprise Architectures
For several years, it has been a goal of mine to write a book on
enterprise architecture. While there are many good architectural books in circulation,
they are either limited in scope or lack sufficient detail to be actionable.
Early in my career, I found it difficult to translate the principles of these
books into a logical
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