 Advances in Dynamic Games: Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods
This contributed volume focuses on aspects of dynamic game theory including differential games, evolutionary games, and stochastic games. It covers theoretical developments, algorithmic methods, and applications to fields as varied as mathematical biology, environmental management, economics, engineering, guidance and control, and social... |  |  Prime Numbers and Computer Methods for Factorization (Modern Birkhäuser Classics)
From the original hard cover edition:In the modern age of almost universal computer usage, practically every individual in a technologically developed society has routine access to the most up-to-date cryptographic technology that exists, the so-called RSA public-key cryptosystem. A major component of this system is the factorization of large... |  |  A First Course in Statistics for Signal Analysis
This self-contained and user-friendly textbook is designed for a first, one-semester course in statistical signal analysis for a broad audience of students in engineering and the physical sciences. The emphasis throughout is on fundamental concepts and relationships in the statistical theory of stationary random signals, which are explained... |
 Measure Theory: Second Edition (Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher)
Intended as a self-contained introduction to measure theory, this textbook also includes a comprehensive treatment of integration on locally compact Hausdorff spaces, the analytic and Borel subsets of Polish spaces, and Haar measures on locally compact groups. This second edition includes a chapter on measure-theoretic probability... |  |  Set Theory: With an Introduction to Real Point Sets
What is a number? What is infinity? What is continuity? What is order? Answers to these fundamental questions obtained by late nineteenth-century mathematicians such as Dedekind and Cantor gave birth to set theory. This textbook presents classical set theory in an intuitive but concrete manner.
To allow flexibility of topic... |  |  Pharmacotherapy of Obesity (Milestones in Drug Therapy)
After three introductory chapters that deal with the general theme of obesity – now regarded as a chronic disease – this volume discusses the drugs sibutramine and orlistat, which are approved for long-term use in the US and in much of the rest of the world. The three final chapters discuss future drug targets, like the central... |
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