American History Through Literature - 1820-1870This A-Z, cross-referenced and illustrated title provides a unique overview of the critical period that spans the early national era through the Civil War, and which witnessed the birth of a truly American literature. The set features more than 250 survey entries. Subjects include: political topics (Manifest Destiny, Underground Railroad); ideas in... |  |  American History Through Literature 1870-1920This A-Z, cross-referenced and illustrated title provides a unique overview of the period following the Civil War through the emergence of the United States as a world power at the end of World War I. The set features more than 250 survey entries. Subjects include: political topics (Reform, Women's Suffrage); ideas in context (Scientific... |  |  Encyclopedia of India (4 Volume Set)
Home to a fifth of the world's population and the largest democracy in the world, India holds a prominent place in current events yet remains misunderstood in many ways by students, professionals and others who seek a single, authoritative source for information on this important region. The Encyclopedia of India meets this need,... |