The Encyclopedia of Unsolved Crimes"...[a] worthy addition to any collection...The writing here is crisp and clean, offering plenty of detail without melodrama." - VOYA "...most useful for large public libraries..." - American Reference Books Annual"
Unsolved crimes and mysteries have fascinated Americans for centuries, and a single... |  |  The Encyclopedia of Animated CartoonsIn the beginning (this was the 1960s for me), Saturday mornings existed for the sole purpose of watching cartoons. Before my brother and I were allowed to turn on the TV the only rule was that our beds had to be made, our breakfast eaten (Quisp! cereal) and our teeth brushed. Of course, we were up at the crack of dawn so as to not miss a thing.... |  |  Australia (Modern World Nations)
Americans find Australia both exotic and familiar. If you travel in Australia, many things will make you think you are still at home. At other times you will feel as if you are in some sort of a fantasy land.
Americans can at once identify with a wealthy, English-speaking country with high living standards. Both Australia and the ... |