Epilepsy and Your Child: The 'At Your Fingertips' Guide (Class Health)
Epilepsy is no respecter of age. It most commonly presents
in childhood and tends to be seen at its most severe during the
childhood years. It remains a uniquely frightening, stigmatising
and misunderstood disorder. For all these reasons, the impact of
epilepsy in a child on all the family members can be enormous.
... |  |  Basic Skills in Statistics: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals (Class Health)
In many medical schools, the teaching of statistics remains woefully
inadequate, the same problem existing in many undergraduate
courses for other healthcare professionals. Yet, more than ever, all
healthcare professionals need a firm understanding of key principles
of statistics. Practitioners of evidence-based care need to be... |  |  Kidney Failure Explained (Class Health)
This is a book about kidney failure. It has been written
primarily for people with kidney failure. But, as any
partner, friend or family member of a kidney patient
knows, kidney failure is a family business. ‘They’ also
usually want to know as much as possible (sometimes
even more than the patient) about the... |