Showing how to build a successful e-commerce operation from the ground up, this text explores important considerations including customer experience, effective website design, cutting-edge programming, robust server configuration, and much more.
Make your e-commerce vision a success with this comprehensive, step-by-step handbook. Whether...
Provides Windows programmers with details of and deep insights into the inner system functions of Microsoft Windows Essential for Win95 and other advanced Windows programmers Ideal for software developers who are moving applications from Windows 3.x t o Windows 95 Includes disk of example programs, source code, documentation, and...
This text is written for those trying to get up to speed or stay current with the complex challenges of designing, constructing, maintaining, upgrading, and managing the network infrastructure.
Network Tutorial delivers insight and understanding about network technology to managers and executives trying to get up to speed or stay...
Motion graphics artists of all experience levels will find the solutions they need in an accessible format to build better compositions, animate with audio, dazzle clients with Visual FX, and much much more.
Packed with more than 400 techniques, this book delivers what you need to know—on the spot....
Create great looking, functional menus with Encore DVD 1.5. This full-color book offers an insider's tour of the application - and your guide is the designer himself! You get all the essentials, including a concise description of the relevant DVD specifications and real-world tutorial projects that demonstrate how you can:
Newton's Telecom Dictionary helps technology and business professionals stay on top of the ever-changing network, telecom, and IT industry. The tech industry hype has cooled dramatically, but nonetheless new telecom and networking technology and services continue to be adopted at a rapid pace, and new terms and acronyms sprout just as...
Make your e-commerce vision a success with this comprehensive, step-by-step handbook. Whether your company is a startup or well-established, you’ll learn how to plan, implement and operate a successful e-commerce site—from selecting the right software through fulfilling orders. The expanded and updated second edition addresses...
Create network communications software with a thorough understanding of the essential system-level design and implementation choices and how they affect the performance and maintainability of your embedded system. An examination of the OSI 7-layer model serves as a starting point for a logical partitioning of software functionality in a...
Build embedded microprocessor-based systems from the ground up. Develop an integrated understanding of hardware and software issues by exploring the interaction of the firmware and hardware during the first critical few seconds after the microprocessor is powered up. By focusing on these crucial junctures, where software meets hardware, you...
Make informed decisions about planning and installing 802.11 “Wi-Fi” wireless networks. This book helps you tackle the challenge, whether installing Wi-Fi within an existing corporate network, or setting up a wireless network from scratch in any business or organization. Author Janice Reynolds guides you through everything you need...
Eager to transfer your C language skills to the 8-bit microcontroller embedded environment? This book will get you up and running fast with clear explanations of the common architectural elements of most 8-bit microcontrollers and the embedded-specific de
Get up and running fast with this clear presentation of 8-bit MCU development...
Internet programming demystified! This is a hands-on guide to TCP/IP networking that includes platform-independent source code to a simple TCP/IP stack - a lean version that is easier to present and efficient enough to use in embedded applications. Create
Implement an embedded TCP/IP stack that supports a Web server capable of providing...