 |  |  Statistical Downscaling for Hydrological and Environmental Applications
Global climate change is typically understood and modeled using global climate models (GCMs), but the outputs of these models in terms of hydrological variables are only available on coarse or large spatial and time scales, while finer spatial and temporal resolutions are needed to reliably assess the hydro-environmental impacts of... |  |  Understanding Building Stones and Stone Buildings
This book covers the wide spectrum of subjects relating to obtaining and using building stones, starting with their geological origin and then describing the nature of granites, volcanics, limestones, sandstones, flint, metamorphic stones, breccias and conglomerates, with emphasis being placed on how to recognise the different stones... |
 Soils and Geotechnology in Construction
This book covers the field of applied geotechnology related to all aspects of construction in ground, including compacted fill, excavations, ground improvement, foundations, earth retaining systems and geotechnical site characterization. It suits the first year of a graduate course on ground improvement and geoconstruction and will... |  |  Computer Graphics Through OpenGL®: From Theory to Experiments
From geometric primitives to animation to 3D modeling to lighting, shading and texturing, Computer Graphics Through OpenGL®: From Theory to Experiments is a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics which uses an active... |  |  Core Principles of Special and General Relativity
This book provides an accessible, yet thorough, introduction to special and general relativity, crafted and class-tested over many years of teaching. Suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this book provides clear descriptions of how to approach the mathematics and physics involved. It is also contains the latest... |
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