 Advances of DNA Computing in Cryptography
This book discusses the current technologies of cryptography using DNA computing. Various chapters of the book will discuss the basic concepts of cryptography, steganography, basic concepts of DNA and DNA computing, approaches of DNA computing in cryptography, security attacks, practical implementaion of DNA computing, applications of DNA... |  |  Ethnobotany: Application of Medicinal Plants
Ethnobotany includes the traditional use of plants in different fields like medicine and agriculture. This book incorporates important studies based on ethnobotany of different geographic zones. The book covers medicinaland aromatic plants, ethnopharmacology, bioactive molecules, plants used in cancer, hypertension, disorders of the... |  |  Data Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications
Large data sets arriving at every increasing speeds require a new set of efficient data analysis techniques. Data analytics are becoming an essential component for every organization and technologies such as health care, financial trading, Internet of Things, Smart Cities or Cyber Physical Systems. However, these diverse application... |
 |  |  |  |  ENT, Head & Neck Emergencies: A Logan Turner Companion
Epistaxis is defined as bleeding from the nose and
is one of the commonest emergencies dealt with by
the otolaryngologist. The overall incidence of epi-
staxis in the general population is difficult to deter-
mine because most cases are unreported, minor,
self-limiting episodes or those controlled with sim-
ple first-aid... |
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