 Vibration Simulation Using MATLAB and ANSYSTransfer function form, zpk, state space, modal, and state space modal forms. For someone learning dynamics for the first time or for engineers who use the tools infrequently, the options available for constructing and representing dynamic mechanical models can be daunting. It is important to find a way to put them all in perspective and have them... |  |  Effective Computational Methods for Wave Propagation (Numerical Insights)Due to the increase in computational power and new discoveries in propagation phenomena for linear and nonlinear waves, the area of computational wave propagation has become more significant in recent years. Exploring the latest developments in the field, Effective Computational Methods for Wave Propagation presents several modern,... |  |  Computational Mathematics: Models, Methods, and Analysis with MATLAB and MPIThis book evolved from the need to migrate computational science into undergraduate education. It is intended for students who have had basic physics, programming, matrices and multivariable calculus.
The choice of topics in the book has been influenced by the Undergraduate Computational Engineering and Science Project (a United States... |
 Measurement and Modeling of Silicon Heterostructure DevicesWhen you see a nicely presented set of data, the natural response is: “How did they do that; what tricks did they use; and how can I do that for myself?” Alas, usually, you must simply keep wondering, since such tricks-of- the-trade are usually held close to the vest and rarely divulged. Shamefully ignored in the technical literature,... |  |  Computer Architecture And OrganizationOne does not undertake the task of composing a new textbook lightly. This one has taken more than a year to produce. Furthermore, it does not make the author rich. (It pays better working in a bar!) So why bother?
Having moved to a computer science department from an applied physics environment, I was somewhat shocked at just how little... |  |  Force Control of Robotic SystemsForce Control of Robotics Systems is the first book that focuses on the fundamentals of this complex topic. Written to engage in force control research, this timely volume presents original results, some of which previously have not been readily accessible to Western Audiences. Issues covered include force sensor design, force feedback synthesis,... |
 Computer-Aided Econometrics (Statistics: a Series of Textbooks and Monogrphs)Emphasizing the impact of computer software and computational technology on econometric theory and development, this reference presents advances in the application of computerized tools to econometric techniques and practices. The book focuses on current innovations in Monte Carlo simulation, computer-aided testing, and Bayesian methodology for... |  |  Biomedical Imaging (Principles and Applications in Engineering, 10)Containing chapters carefully selected from CRC’s best-selling engineering handbooks, volumes in the Principles and Applications in Engineering series provide convenient, economical references sharply focused on particular engineering topics and subspecialties. Culled from the Biomedical Engineering Handbook,... |  |  Software Process Quality : Management and ControlSoftware presents both an opportunity and a threat. Software runs our lives. The list of applications in which software is a critical component is endless: elevators, airlines, telecommunications, medical devices, education, and countless others. Data from the Software Engineering Institute indicates that approximately 60% of software development... |
 E-Commerce Usability: Tools and Techniques to Perfect the On-Line ExperienceWe are all familiar with airport bookstall best sellers that promise fame, fortune and success in relationships. Many of them – at least the ones I have skimmed whilst waiting for one of the world’s favourite airlines – are deeply disappointing. Not because they do not work (to be honest I have not really been able to try them out... |  |  Theory and Practice of Relational Databases, Second EditionFirst published a decade ago, the Theory and Practice of Relational Databases gained fairly noticeable popularity, particularly amongst those readers to whom it was primarily addressed—the students. After a decade, however, any book needs reviewing, for the field will have developed, presentation could be improved, choice of topics might be... |  |  Packet Switching And X.25 NetworksWhen computers started to become business tools and to assume an essential role in all companies, they were very large both physically and in terms of capital and revenue cost. Indeed, when erecting a new building the company would have to design features especially for the computer. A big room to house it, separate power supplies, large... |
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