 Web Based Energy Information and Control SystemsAdvances in equipment, processes, and technology are the driving forces in energy management, energy efficiency, and energy cost control improvements. Web Based Energy Information & Control Systems documents the operational experience with Web-based systems within facilities and varied applications and shows the new opportunities for energy and... |  |  Entropy And Its Physical MeaningThis text presents a comprehensive approach to entropy, recognizing that it is a concept often misunderstood. Beginning with an historical classical viewpoint, a statistical view then follows to give a more physical picture.
This book is a revised version of my earlier book Entropy and Low Temperature Physics, with here rather less... |  |  Handbook of Chemical and Biological Warfare AgentsWith terrorist groups expanding their weapons of destruction beyond bombs and bullets, chemical and biological warfare agents aren't merely limited to the battlefield anymore. In some cases, they are now being used on a new front: major metropolitan cities. And in the Handbook of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents, emergency response... |
 Multimedia Image and Video ProcessingMultimedia stands as one of the most challenging and exciting aspects of the information era. The extremely rapid growth of this field means that books even just a few years old may offer information that is already obsolete. Multimedia Image and Video Processing offers not only up-to-date research and developments, but does so in a way that... |  |  Satellite Communication EngineeringBecause of the immense importance of signal processing and the fastgrowing demands of business and industry, this series on signal processing serves to report up-to-date developments and advances in the field. The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following.
- Signal theory and analysis
... |  |  Analog BiCMOS Design: Practices and PitfallsThis book presents practical methods and pitfalls encountered in the design of biCMOS integrated circuits. It is intended as a reference for design engineers and as a text for an introductory course on analog integrated circuit design for engineering seniors and graduate students. Abroad range of topics are covered with the intent of giving new... |
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