 Advanced Number TheoryEminent mathematician/teacher approaches algebraic number theory from historical standpoint. Demonstrates how concepts, definitions, theories have evolved during last 2 centuries. Abounds with numerical examples, over 200 problems, many concrete, specific theorems. Includes numerous graphs and tables.
The prerequisites for this book... |  |  Codes, Ciphers and Secret Writing (Test Your Code Breaking Skills)Experiment with cryptography — the science of secret writing. Cipher and decipher codes: transposition and polyalphabetical ciphers, famous codes, typewriter and telephone codes, codes that use playing cards, knots, and swizzle sticks...even invisible writing and sending messages through outer space. Hours of intrigue and challenge. 45... |  |  CryptanalysisThorough, systematic introduction to serious cryptography, especially strong in modern forms of cipher solution used by experts. Nihilist, grille, U. S. Army, key-phrase, multiple-alphabet, Gronsfeld, Porta, Beaufort, periodic ciphers, and more. Simple and advanced methods. 166 specimens to solve — with solutions.... |
 Unbounded Linear Operators: Theory and Applications (Dover Books on Mathematics)In recent years important progress has been made in the study of linear operators by extending to closed operators many fundamental theorems which were known for bounded operators. The applications of the theory permit unification of a series of diverse questions in differential equations, which leads to significant results with substantial... |  |  Mathematics of Classical and Quantum PhysicsThis book is designed as a companion to the graduate level physics texts on classical mechanics, electricity, magnetism, and quantum mechanics. It grows out of a course given at Columbia University and taken by virtually all first year graduate students as a fourth basic course, thereby eliminating the need to cover this mathematical material in a... |  |  An Introduction to Matrices, Sets and Groups for Science StudentsTHIS book is written primarily for undergraduate students of science and engineering, and presents an elementary introduction to some of the major branches of modern algebra - namely, matrices, sets and groups. Of these three topics, matrices are of especial importance at undergraduate level, and consequently more space is devoted to their study... |
 Analysis of Numerical MethodsExcellent advanced-undergraduate and graduate text covers norms, numerical solution of linear systems and matrix factoring, iterative solutions of nonlinear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, polynomial approximation and more. Careful analysis and stress on techniques for developing new methods. Features examples and problems. 1966 edition.... |  |  The Theory of SpinorsDescribes orthgonal and related Lie groups, using real or complex parameters and indefinite metrics. Develops theory of spinors by giving a purely geometric definition of these mathematical entities. Covers generalities on the group of rotations in n-dimensional space, the theory of spinors in spaces of any number of dimensions and much more. ... |  |  |
 Introduction to Numerical Analysis: Second EditionWell-known, respected introduction, updated to integrate concepts and procedures associated with computers. Computation, approximation, interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration, smoothing of data, other topics in lucid presentation. Includes 150 additional problems in this edition. Bibliography.
This volume is intended to... |  |  Making Your Own TelescopeComplete, detailed instructions and numerous diagrams for constructing a do-it-yourself telescope. No complicated mathematics are involved, and no prior knowledge of optics or astronomy is needed to follow the text's step-by-step directions. Contents cover, among other topics, materials and equipment; tube parts and alignment; eyepieces, and... |  |  Mathematics and LogicFascinating study considers the origins and nature of mathematics, its development and role in the history of scientific thinking, impact of high-speed computers, 20th-century changes in the foundations of mathematics and mathematical logic, mathematization of science and technology, much more. Compelling reading for anyone interested in the... |
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