AMPL: A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming
AMPL is a language for large-scale optimization and mathematical programming problems in production, distribution, blending, scheduling, and many other applications. Combining familiar algebraic notation and a powerful interactive command environment, AMPL makes it easy to create models, use a wide variety of solvers, and examine solutions.... |  |  Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Every time you pick up a newspaper or a magazine, watch TV, or surf the Internet, you
encounter statistics. Every time you fill out a questionnaire, register at an online website,
or pass your grocery rewards card through an electronic scanner, your personal
information becomes part of a database containing your personal... |  |  Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel(TM): Updated for Office 2007 (Book Only)
Data Analysis with Microsoft® Excel: Updated for Offi ce 2007® harnesses
the power of Excel and transforms it into a tool for learning basic statistical
analysis. Students learn statistics in the context of analyzing data. We feel
that it is important for students to work with real data, analyzing real-world
problems,... |