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Modern Recording Techniques (Audio Engineering Society Presents)
Modern Recording Techniques (Audio Engineering Society Presents)

Master the tools and day-to-day practices of music recording and production. Learn the ins and outs of room acoustics and designing a studio. Gain techniques for mic placement and running a session. Get a solid grounding in both theory and industry practice. Modern Recording Techniques, the bestselling, authoritative guide to...

HTML5 Mobile Websites: Turbocharging HTML5 with jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and Other Frameworks
HTML5 Mobile Websites: Turbocharging HTML5 with jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and Other Frameworks

Build HTML5-powered mobile web experiences with the aid of development frameworks that speed the development of Native App-like experiences. Build on your foundation of HTML and JavaScript with a complete understanding of the different mobile Web browser technologies. You get carefully detailed techniques that are illustrated in full color so...

Flash Mobile: Developing Android Apps Using ActionScript (Visualizing the Web)
Flash Mobile: Developing Android Apps Using ActionScript (Visualizing the Web)

Learn why you will want to use ActionScript3 when creating solutions for the iPhone and Android OS. Details what has changed from and what has stayed the same as earlier versions of ActionScript. Make the most out of your application using ActionScript3, with its increased speed and functionality.

Do you like Flash...
Picture CSS3 (Visualizing the Web)
Picture CSS3 (Visualizing the Web)

See how you can use Cascading Style Sheets 3, or CSS3, to quickly and easily increase your control over visual Web page design.  

HTML 5, is the first major update to the core language of the Web in over a decade

The focus of this book is on innovations that most directly effect Web site...

Developing Websites with jQuery Mobile
Developing Websites with jQuery Mobile

This short ebook takes a deep dive into jQuery for mobile development. While jQuery is one of the most popular frameworks used to build out complex Web pages you can now use the jQuery Mobile framework and jQuery itself to add complexity and richness to your pages. Go beyond the core of jQuery Find out how to work with navbars,...

Working with jqTouch to Build Websites on Top of jQuery
Working with jqTouch to Build Websites on Top of jQuery

Using jqTouch, an open source solution, is a fast way for you to convert a static Web page into looking like a native iPhone or Android app. In this short ebook find out how you can use the Open Source jqTouch Library to extend the functionality built into jQuery to build Web sites that run on your iOS and Android phones but...

Designing Audio Effect Plug-Ins in C++: With Digital Audio Signal Processing Theory
Designing Audio Effect Plug-Ins in C++: With Digital Audio Signal Processing Theory
 The professional recording industry is rapidly moving from a hardware paradigm (big studios with expensive gear) to a software paradigm, in which lots of expensive hardware is replaced with a single computer loaded with software plug-ins. Complete albums are now being recorded and engineered "inside the box"-all within a...
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