 Plug-in to After Effects: Third Party Plug-in Mastery
I used to think plug-ins were for people who could afford to buy creativity. Then I realized it
was for those who had creativity, but were burdened and held back by the process, or lack
of tools, for their creativity. After Effects plug-ins are not someone’s project files or templates
for you to copy, but rather tools for... |  |  Cinema 4D, Third Edition: The Artist's Project Sourcebook
MAXON understands that making a transition into 3D graphics and animation can be a daunting
proposition for artists already pressed for time keeping up with the ever evolving progression of more
traditional graphics technology. With that in mind, they have crafted CINEMA 4D, a software that is
intuitive yet amazingly powerful. Using... |  |  Picture CSS3 (Visualizing the Web)
Tags are used in HTML5 to place and organize content at a level
that is descriptive. This does not mean that the page will look
good. Presentation of content on the page is controlled using
Cascading Style Sheets Level 3, or CSS3, in HTML5.
Using CSS3 to describe how your page should look, however,
is not new. The... |
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