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Strategic IT Management: Increase value, control performance, reduce costs
Strategic IT Management: Increase value, control performance, reduce costs
"Growth, mergers, restructuring, innovation - all these important topics of today's companies cannot be implemented without a systematic approach to IT management. This book does not point out unrealistic 'one size fits all' solutions but offers basic systems to solve a broad range of IT problems and challenges. It also presents case...
Ubiquitous Computing
Ubiquitous Computing

Near Field Communication (NFC) technology has become increasingly important for ubiquitous computing. Florian Resatsch investigates the optimal strategies for developing and evaluating ubiquitous computing applications based on NFC. He draws on a variety of current theories on ubiquitous computing, human-computer interaction, and technology...

Firms in Open Source Software Development: Managing Innovation Beyond Firm Boundaries
Firms in Open Source Software Development: Managing Innovation Beyond Firm Boundaries

In open innovation scenarios, firms are able to profit from technological developments that take place beyond the legal boundaries. However, in the absence of contract-based vertical command chains, such as in the case of open source software (OSS), it is difficult for firms to obtain control over the innovation project's trajectory. In...

Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management: Marketing Models and Methods in Theory and Practice
Quantitative Marketing and Marketing Management: Marketing Models and Methods in Theory and Practice

Quantitative marketing has been gaining importance during the last decade. This is indicated by the growing number of model- and method-oriented studies published in leading journals as well as by the many successful applications of quantitative approaches in pricing, advertising, new product planning, and market segmentation decisions. In...

Social Entrepreneurship and Social Business: An Introduction and Discussion with Case Studies
Social Entrepreneurship and Social Business: An Introduction and Discussion with Case Studies
Social entrepreneurship has become a relevant topic in business, society and politics. Public attention has also been aroused through the increasing presence of social entrepreneurs in the media and numerous popular science publications. Here we may mention David Bornstein ´s book “How to Change the World: Social...
Automobillogistik: Stand und Zukunftstrends (German Edition)
Automobillogistik: Stand und Zukunftstrends (German Edition)
Mit diesem Herausgeberwerk starten wir ein neues Buchprojekt, das ein „Spin-off“ des Klassikers „Logistik der Zukunft – Logistics for the Future“ (sechste Auflage 2012) bildet. Für die Anwendung der Zukunftsforschung in der Logistik ist die Automobilwirtschaft eine besonders interessante Branche. So...
Chancen und Risiken von Rohstoffinvestments: Eine quantitative Analyse von Rohstoffen als Anlageklasse (German Edition)
Chancen und Risiken von Rohstoffinvestments: Eine quantitative Analyse von Rohstoffen als Anlageklasse (German Edition)

Aufgrund zunehmender Korrelationen zwischen traditionellen Anlageklassen, eines historisch niedrigen Zinsniveaus und hoch volatiler Aktienkurse rückten alternative Investments in den letzten Jahren zunehmend in den Fokus von Investoren. Timo Klett führt eine umfassende Analyse von Rohstoffinvestments durch, indem er die Renditen...

Trusts in Deutschland: Zivilrecht - Steuerrecht (German Edition)
Trusts in Deutschland: Zivilrecht - Steuerrecht (German Edition)

Der Leitfaden zum Trust erläutert alle wichtigen Besonderheiten dieser alternativen Variante zur Steueroptimierung durch eine Stiftung.

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