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Energy Evolution (The Eco-Technology Series)
Energy Evolution (The Eco-Technology Series)
Coincidence? Or perhaps not! Standing as we are on the threshold of a new era, the first dawning of a new age, there is an air of expectancy of things imminent and better. In a certain sense this has psychologically programmed us with a willingness to embrace new concepts, to inaugurate and accept far-reaching change. It is also a time to reflect...
Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger
Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger
It is very difficult to observe the extraordinary creativity and fruitfulness of Nature without a sense of wonder. But wonder is at odds with reason. It has been said that humanity's schism with Nature was contrived so that we could develop our sense of reason to the extent that we now experience. One of the outcomes of this, because they are...
Nature As Teacher: How I Discovered New Principles in the Working of Nature (Eco-Technology Series)
Nature As Teacher: How I Discovered New Principles in the Working of Nature (Eco-Technology Series)
At the time of writing the world is being engulfed by increasingly cataclysmicmanifestations of the disturbance and disruption of Nature's otherwise orderly processes. From reports received almost daily, both nationally and from around the world, we are increasingly forced to become aware of certain life-threatening irregularities in the...
The Fertile Earth: Nature's Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and Forestry (The Eco-Technology Series, Volume 3)
The Fertile Earth: Nature's Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and Forestry (The Eco-Technology Series, Volume 3)
What is the essence of a tree? How does a blade of grass grow? What do we really understand of the internal events and forces responsible for their upward thrust towards the heavens, and on what conditions do these energies depend? Where do they come from and how do they interact? What inhibits their proper interaction, and what enhances it? As the...
The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water
The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water
It was a Swedish engineer and anthroposophist, Olof Alexandersson, who wrote the first popular introduction to the radical ideas of Viktor Schauberger. I came across this attractive little book in 1979 and had it translated into English. Living Water is now in its eighth printing and has inspired many to go on to Callum Coats' in-depth study of...
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