One Who Is Not Busy, The: Connecting with Work in a Deeply Satisfying WayThe Problem of Busyness I agreed to write this book almost a year ago. Gibbs Smith and I had met during a five-day workshop on the topic of time and busyness at Tassajara Hot Springs, a Zen Buddhist retreat center in Big Sur. I co-facilitated the workshop, "The One Who Is Not Busy," with Basya Petnick and Rabbi Helen Cohn. Gibbs was quite... |  |  A Carrot a Day: A Daily Dose of Recognition for Your EmployeesFrom the bestselling authors of The 24-Carrot Manager comes a manager's handbook on motivating employees through praise and recognition. Employees fed a steady diet of carrots focus better on company goals. They spot new opportunities faster. They have longer employment life spans (translation: lower turnover). And they can lift companies higher... |  |  Good Green Homes
Green. It conjures images of a meadow in spring for some, and the color of money for others. What does "green" have to do with our homes? In essence, green building-or sustainable building-means being smart about how we use energy, water, and building materials so that we can live well without needlessly damaging the environment.... |