 Solutions Manual for Recursive Methods in Economic DynamicsSolutions manual to the classic textbook Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics. The exercises in the book are integral to the text. This manual provides detailed answers to the problems in Recursive Methods. Softcover.
Over the years we have received many requests for an answer book for the exercises in Recursive Methods in... |  |  From Clockwork to Crapshoot: A History of PhysicsThis book is a survey of the history of physics, together with the associated astronomy, mathematics, and chemistry, from the beginnings of science to the present. I pay particular attention to the change from a deterministic view of nature to one dominated by probabilities, from viewing the universe as running like clockwork to seeing it as a... |  |  Einstein 1905: The Standard of GreatnessThis book celebrates Albert Einstein’s 1905. In six months Einstein wrote five papers that deeply influenced the course of twentieth-century science. These papers from the hand of a thenunknown physicist make 1905 one of the most memorable years in the history of science and, without doubt, make the six months from March 17 to September 27... |
 In Pursuit of the Gene: From Darwin to DNAThe mystery of inheritance has captivated thinkers since antiquity, and the unlocking of this mystery—the development of classical genetics—is one of humanity’s greatest achievements. This great scientific and human drama is the story told fully and for the first time in this book.
Acclaimed science writer James... |  |  The Success of Open SourceMuch of the innovative programming that powers the Internet, creates operating systems, and produces software is the result of "open source" code, that is, code that is freely distributed--as opposed to being kept secret--by those who write it. Leaving source code open has generated some of the most sophisticated developments in... |  |  Why People Die by SuicideIn the wake of a suicide, the most troubling questions are invariably the most difficult to answer: How could we have known? What could we have done? And always, unremittingly: Why? Written by a clinical psychologist whose own life has been touched by suicide, this book offers the clearest account ever given of why some people choose to die. ... |
 The Americanization of Narcissism
American social critics in the 1970s, convinced that their nation was in decline, turned to psychoanalysis for answers and seized on narcissism as the sickness of the age. Books indicting Americans as greedy, shallow, and self-indulgent appeared, none more influential than Christopher Lasch's famous 1978 jeremiad The Culture of... |  |  Saints of Ninth- and Tenth-Century Greece (Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library)
Saints of Ninth- and Tenth-Century Greece collects funeral orations, encomia, and narrative hagiography. Together, these works illuminate one of the most obscure periods of Greek history?when holy men played central roles as the Byzantine administration reimposed control on southern and central Greece in the wake of Avar,... |  |  Conscious Experience: A Logical Inquiry
A distinguished philosopher offers a novel account of experience and reason, and develops our understanding of conscious experience and its relationship to thought: a new reformed empiricism.
The role of experience in cognition is a central and ancient philosophical concern. How, theorists ask, can our private... |
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