 Obstetrics in Family Medicine: A Practical Guide (Current Clinical Practice)
A few years ago, a medical student who was working with me was struck
by a car while crossing the street during her lunch hour. Because she could
not walk after the accident, she was taken to the emergency department for
evaluation, which included an x-ray of her leg. I met her there just as the
radiologist was informing her... |  |  Male Sexual Function: A Guide to Clinical Management (Current Clinical Urology)
Male Sexual Function: A Guide to Clinical Management, Second Edition, completely updates and reviews newer developments, including linking erectile dysfunction (ED) with lower urinary tract systems, advances in erectile physiology, and the appreciation of ED as a form of endothelial dysfunction and a harbinger of other potentially lethal... |  |  The Principles of Clinical Cytogenetics
In the summer of 1989, one of us (SLG), along with his mentor, Dorothy Warburton,
attended the Tenth International Workshop on Human Gene Mapping. The meeting
was held at Yale University in celebration of the first such event, which also took
place there.
This meeting was not open to the general public; one had to... |
 Essentials of Apoptosis: A Guide for Basic and Clinical Research
Life and death are topics that no one takes lightly. In the cell, death by apoptosis is just as
fundamental as proliferation for the maintenance of normal tissue homeostasis. Too much or
too little apoptosis can lead to developmental abnormality, degenerative diseases, or cancers.
Although apoptosis, or programmed cell death (PCD),... |  |  Microarrays in Clinical Diagnostics (Methods in Molecular Medicine)
Within the last decade, microarray technology has evolved from an emerging
technology developed and used by a few laboratories into a well-established
technology used in laboratories all over the world. In fact, the need to
characterize genetic alterations is one of the highest priorities for the future of
medicine and the... |  |  Pocket Guide to Critical Care Pharmacotherapy
Critical care medicine is a cutting-edge medical field
that is highly evidence-based. Studies are continuously
published that alter the approach to patient care. As a critical
care clinician, I am aware of the tremendous commitment
required to provide optimal evidence-based care.
Pocket Guide to Critical Care... |
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