 EJB 2.0 Development With Websphere Studio Application Developer (IBM Redbooks)This IBM® Redbook provides detailed information on how to effectively use WebSphere® Studio Application Developer for the development of applications based on the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) architecture, and deployment of such applications to a WebSphere Application Server.
Throughout the book, we provide examples based on a... |  |  |  |  Websphere J2Ee Application Development for the IBM Iseries ServerWebSphere Application Server 4.0 delivers the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) implementation. It is the IBM strategic Web application server and a key IBM iSeries product for enabling e-business applications. The iSeries server and WebSphere Application Server are a perfect match for hosting e-business applications. You can build J2EE applications... |
 DB2 UDB V8.1 Certification Exam 700 Study GuideIBM DB2 Universal Database Certification gives you a powerfuladvantage in the marketplace for expertise on the world’s #1enterprise database platform. Passing IBM DB2 UDB V8.1 FamilyFundamentals Exam 700 earns you the IBM Certified Database Associatecertification and is the prerequisite for all intermediate and... |  |  |  |  An Eai Solution Using Websphere Business Integration V4.1 (IBM Redbooks)In the world of Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), there is no "one size fits all" solution. This is why the IBM WebSphere software platform contains a number of complementary technology offerings that provide EAI functionality. In this IBM Redbook we describe the use of WebSphere Business Integration. In addition to WebSphere MQ... |
 Using Websphere Studio Asset Analyzer (IBM Redbooks)This IBM Redbook describes the functions, features, and uses of IBM WebSphere Studio Asset Analyzer for Multiplatforms Version 2 Release 2.
Part 1 presents a general overview of the product. In this part, we provide you with an introduction to the product by showing you key elements of the Web browser interface.
Part 2 presents... |  |  |  |  Implementing ITIL Configuration ManagementPractical, Real-World ITIL Configuration Management–From Start to Finish
The IT Infrastructure Library® (ITIL) places the “best practices” in IT operations at your command. ITIL helps you make better technology choices, manages IT more effectively,... |
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