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Object-Oriented Design Knowledge: Principles, Heuristics and Best Practices
Object-Oriented Design Knowledge: Principles, Heuristics and Best Practices
In order to establish itself as a branch of engineering, a profession must understand
its accumulated knowledge. In addition, software engineering as a branch
of engineering must take several basic steps in order to become an established
profession, highlighting understanding of the nature of its knowledge.

Advances in Universal Web Design and Evaluation: Research, Trends and Opportunities
Advances in Universal Web Design and Evaluation: Research, Trends and Opportunities
The Web has rapidly become more and more pervasive in almost everybody’s lives. There are many daily activities that can be performed much more comfortably online. There are also daily activities that cannot be performed without using the Web. Much of the power of the Web comes from the fact that it presents information in a variety of...
Integrating Security and Software Engineering: Advances and Future Vision
Integrating Security and Software Engineering: Advances and Future Vision
Protecting valuable assets from intentional harm has been a focus of human activity from time immemorial. The proliferation of computers in society has meant that many business and mission critical assets are increasingly stored and manipulated by computer-based systems. The scale of misuse of these assets has also increased, because of their...
Emerging Spatial Information Systems and Applications
Emerging Spatial Information Systems and Applications
Spatial information systems were created manually for many years. For example, historically, the source of cholera in London in 1854 was found by John Snow, by mapping where victims of the disease lived. The graph clearly showed them to be close to the Broad Street Pump,1 one of the city’s water wells. Another example is Zipf’s Law,2...
Enterprise Modeling and Computing With UML
Enterprise Modeling and Computing With UML
This book is important: I will tell you why. I will also say a few words about me so that you get an idea of this person advising you on how to spend your time. Finally, I will outline my wishes about the direction I would like the future research on enterprise modeling to take.

In general terms, this book is focused on tools for the
Agile Software Development Quality Assurance
Agile Software Development Quality Assurance
After spending the summer north of the Arctic Circle, basking in the midnight sun and the warmest weather for over 100 years in Finland, I was especially happy to find this book sitting on my desk waiting to be read. Although there is no shortage of books on agile methodologies and practices, something had been missing. The concept of quality is...
Semantic Web Services: Theory, Tools and Applications
Semantic Web Services: Theory, Tools and Applications
Semantic Web is here to stay! This is not really a marketing campaign logo, but it is a truth that every year is becoming more and more relevant to the daily life of business world, industry and society. I do not know how it happened, but the last years, through our activities in the Special Interest Group on Semantic Web and Information Systems in...
Semantic Web Technologies and E-Business: Toward the Integrated Virtual Organization and Business Process Automation
Semantic Web Technologies and E-Business: Toward the Integrated Virtual Organization and Business Process Automation
The Semantic Web vision of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is comprised of four primary components: (1) expressing meaning, (2) knowledge representation, (3) ontology, and (4) agents. Expression of meaning is fundamental to the construction of the new “intelligent” Web. The current Web lacks mechanisms for expressing meaning and is...
Web Data Management Practices: Emerging Techniques and Technologies
Web Data Management Practices: Emerging Techniques and Technologies
The Web revolution currently under way is making the Internet more and more central to our everyday lives. The amount of information available on the Web is increasing at an enormous rate, and almost everyday new services become available. The Internet is now widely used not only for B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-consumer)...
Advances in Machine Learning Applications in Software Engineering
Advances in Machine Learning Applications in Software Engineering
Machine learning is the study of how to build computer programs that improve their performance  at some task through experience. The hallmark of machine learning is that it results in an improved ability to make better decisions. Machine learning algorithms have proven to be of great practical value in a variety of application domains. Not...
Intelligent Assistant Systems: Concepts, Techniques and Technologies
Intelligent Assistant Systems: Concepts, Techniques and Technologies
Information is becoming the raw material of modern society. That “difference that makes a difference” (Bateson, 1979) is the driving force of modern service industry. Our information spaces have been technologized and their size as well as their complexity increased. Access to information spaces and the capability to use them...
Application of Agents and Intelligent Information Technologies
Application of Agents and Intelligent Information Technologies
The Web has sparked renewed interest in developing intelligent information systems that enable users to accomplish complex tasks in Web-centric environments with relative ease. Although artificially intelligent (AI) technologies such as expert systems and neural networks have been successfully used in aerospace, communication, medical, and...
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