Machinery's Handbook 28th Larger Print Edition (Machinery's Handbook)
Celebrating nearly 100 years as The Bible of the Mechanical Industries , the 28th edition brings together volumes of knowledge, information and data gathered, revised and improved upon from experts throughout the mechanical industries. Extraordinarily comprehensive yet easy to use since it premiered, Machinery s Handbook provides mechanical... |  |  Mathematics for Computer Graphics Applications
Computer graphics is more than an isolated discipline at an intersection of computer science, mathematics, and engineering. It is the very visible leading edge of a revolution in how we use computers and automation to enhance our lives. It has changed forever the worlds of engineering and science, medicine, and the media, too. The wonderful... |  |  Programmable Controllers: Theory and Implementation
Since the first edition of this book in 1988, the capabilities of programmable
logic controllers have grown by leaps and bounds. Likewise, the applications
of PLCs have grown with them. In fact, in today’s increasingly computercontrolled
environment, it is almost impossible to find a technical industry
that does not use... |