 Java & Databases (Innovative Technology Series)Of interest to programmers, database managers, systems designers, and multimedia academics, this book describes the use of the programming language Java in data storage management control. Some topics are Java and OQL, the seamless persistence option for Java, implementing a search engine using an OODBA, triggers in Java-based ... |  |  Quantitative Approaches in Object-oriented Software EngineeringMeasures of software internal attributes have been extensively used to help software managers, customers and users to characterize, assess and improve the quality of software products. The introduction of object-oriented (OO) software provides powerful design mechanisms with which to do this, and new technologies—e.g., OO frameworks, OO... |  |  Parallel I/O for Cluster Computing (Innovative Technology Series)Data sets in large applications such as databases and data-mining applications are often too large to fit into a computer’s internal memory. The resulting I/O (input/output) communications between internal memory and the slower external medium (such as disks) can present a major performance bottleneck.
Among the possible computer... |
 Multimedia Management (Innovative Technology Series)For years, industry has predicted and anticipated the arrival of multimedia services via the network. From all indications, this new age is upon us now especially with the emergence of the Internet and the huge potential of e-commerce. The study of multimedia transmission over various network technologies has been the subject of... |  |  Applications & Services in Wireless Networks (Innovative Technology Series)The main challenge in providing mobile users with acceptable real-time multimedia communication is to provide quality of service support in the context of i) heterogeneous mobile communication networks, ii) a vast number of different media formats and codecs, iii) a heterogeneous world of mobile terminals, and iv) a large... |  |  Mobile Agents for Telecommunication ApplicationsProvides an overview of how the mobile code can be used in networking with the aim of developing further intelligent information retrieval, network and mobility management, and network services.
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop, MATA, on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications, held in Paris, France,... |
 |  |  Channel Coding in Communication Networks: From Theory to Turbo CodesThe very title of this book is borrowed from the information theory vocabulary, and, quite naturally, it is an outline of this theory that will serve as an introduction. The subject of information theory is the scientific study of communications. To this end it defines a quantitative measurement of the communicated content, i.e. information, and... |  |  Software Specification MethodsThis book is an introduction to a set of software specification methods. Its targeted audience are readers who do not wish to read pages of definitions in order to understand the basics of a method. The same case study is used to introduce each method, following a rigorously uniform presentation format. Special care has been devoted to ensure that... |
 Multimedia Multicast on the InternetThis book examines multicast technology and will be a key text for undergraduate engineering students and master students in networks and telecoms. However, it will be equally useful for a wide range of professionals in this research field.
Multicast routing was introduced with the advent of multiparty applications (for example,... |  |  Looking Back and Going Forward in ITAs dawn broke over the 21st century, Information Technology officially celebrated its golden anniversary … it might be thought that the 50 year-mark would go hand-in-hand with the age of reason, but nothing could be further from the truth. In the extended family of innovation, IT is still the rebellious teenager: immature, incomplete and... |  |  Management, Control, and Evolution of IP NetworksStarting with various aspects of quality of service and the evolution of IP networks, this book covers the improvement of addressing in IP version 6, enhanced security, and the adaptation of video for the Internet and voice over IP. New generations of IP networks are discussed including the future of pervasive networks, wi-fi, the control of... |
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