Linux Administration Made EasyThe Linux Administration Made Easy (LAME) guide attempts to describe day-to-day administration and maintenance issues commonly faced by Linux system administrators. This book is part of the Linux Documentation Project.
Linux Administration Made Easy summarizes the installation and configuration, as well as the day-to-day administrative and... |  |  Things I Will Never Tell YouThis book is my world (cerebral based mindset) so understand it is the opposite of your world (physical based mindset) or you will not last very long, psychologically speaking. If you want to live in your world of fear, write a book and I will use the pages to wrap my fi sh heads in. I am pleased with my thoughts and my words and I will never... |  |  Smalltalk, Objects, and DesignThis reference and text treats the Smalltalk programming system and the web of object-oriented ideas within and around it. Thus it is more than a guide to the language; it also examines Smalltalk in its technical and historical setting, and along the way addresses the questions that every Smalltalk developer sooner or later naturally wonders about.... |