 |  |  How to Be Happy at Work: A Practical Guide to Career SatisfactionIt’s not easy to tell others how to be happy at work, especially people who feel as if they’re living in a career combat zone. I know the battleground well. For the past 20 years, I’ve been a career counselor, psychotherapist, and corporate outplacement consultant. In that time, I’ve seen more casualties of the career wars... |  |  |
 |  |  Expert Resumes For Career ChangersIf you`re reading this book, you`re most likely one of tens of thousands of people who are considering a career change-either a change in position or a change in industry. You might have made this decision because of any one of the following reasons:
- Your current industry has been hard hit by the recent economic
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 Enhanced Occupational Outlook HandbookThis book presents reliable and useful information about occupations in a way not available in the past. Its concept is simple: It allows you to identify major jobs of interest and then read details about those jobs and the many more-specialized jobs related to them.
This edition of the Enhanced... |  |  250 Best Jobs Through ApprenticeshipsFor your whole life, you’ve been hearing people tell you that education is the key to a good career. But the best-kept secret about careers is that most job skills are learned on the job. Still, young people face a chicken-and-egg problem: How do you get the job where you can learn the skills if you don’t have the skills that qualify... |  | |
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