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Data Mining and Business Analytics with R
Data Mining and Business Analytics with R

Collecting, analyzing, and extracting valuable information froma large amount of data requires easily accessible, robust,computational and analytical tools. Data Mining and BusinessAnalytics with R utilizes the open source software R for theanalysis, exploration, and simplification of large high-dimensionaldata sets. As a result, readers are...

Complex Valued Nonlinear Adaptive Filters: Noncircularity, Widely Linear and Neural Models
Complex Valued Nonlinear Adaptive Filters: Noncircularity, Widely Linear and Neural Models

This book was written in response to the growing demand for a text that provides a unified treatment of linear and nonlinear complex valued adaptive filters, and methods for the processing of general complex signals (circular and noncircular). It brings together adaptive filtering algorithms for feedforward (transversal) and feedback...

System Building with APL + WIN
System Building with APL + WIN

Software modernisation or re-engineering as a concept lacksuniversal clarity. System Building with APL + Win seeks toclarify this problem by identifying the solution to the long termsurvival of the APL application as the elimination of APL specificconsiderations in the choice of a development tool. The authorshows how to deploy...

Teach Yourself the Basics of Aspen Plus
Teach Yourself the Basics of Aspen Plus

Aspen Plus is on of the most popular process simulation software programs used industrially and academically. Though the software is available at many corporations and universities, there are no textbooks which are dedicated to teaching the step-by-step use of the software. This book is designed to fill that need. The structure of the book is...

Building Performance Dashboards and Balanced Scorecards with SQL Server Reporting Services
Building Performance Dashboards and Balanced Scorecards with SQL Server Reporting Services

Discover how to maintain and update balanced scorecards and performance dashboards with SQL Server Reporting Services

Complementing the bestselling Balanced Scorecards and Operational Dashboards with Microsoft Excel (9780470386811), this indispensable book shows you how to create maintainable and dynamically updated...

Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab
Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing: A Practical Approach with Examples in Matlab

This is an introductory to intermediate level text on the scienceof image processing, which employs the Matlab programming languageto illustrate some of the elementary, key concepts in modern imageprocessing and pattern recognition. The approach taken isessentially practical and the book offers a framework within whichthe concepts can be...

JavaScript Programming: Pushing the Limits
JavaScript Programming: Pushing the Limits

Take your JavaScript knowledge as far as it can go

JavaScript has grown up, and it's a hot topic. Newer and fasterJavaScript VMs and frameworks built upon them have increased thepopularity of JavaScript for server-side web applications, and richJS applications are being developed for mobile devices. This bookdelivers a...

Computational Intelligence and Pattern Analysis in Biology Informatics (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics)
Computational Intelligence and Pattern Analysis in Biology Informatics (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics)

An invaluable tool in Bioinformatics, this unique volume providesboth theoretical and experimental results, and describes basicprinciples of computational intelligence and pattern analysis whiledeepening the reader's understanding of the ways in which theseprinciples can be used for analyzing biological data in anefficient manner.

Applied Data Mining: Statistical Methods for Business and Industry (Statistics in Practice)
Applied Data Mining: Statistical Methods for Business and Industry (Statistics in Practice)

Data mining can be defined as the process of selection, exploration and modelling of large databases, in order to discover models and patterns. The increasing availability of data in the current information society has led to the need for valid tools for its modelling and analysis. Data mining and applied statistical methods are the...

Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Optimization for Decision Making
Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Optimization for Decision Making

Business intelligence is a broad category of applications andtechnologies for gathering, providing access to, and analyzing datafor the purpose of helping enterprise users make better businessdecisions. The term implies having a comprehensive knowledge of allfactors that affect a business, such as customers, competitors,business partners,...

Data Mining in Drug Discovery
Data Mining in Drug Discovery

Written for drug developers rather than computer scientists, this monograph adopts a systematic approach to mining scientifi c data sources, covering all key steps in rational drug discovery, from compound screening to lead compound selection and personalized medicine. Clearly divided into four sections, the first part discusses the different...

Multimedia Information Extraction: Advances in Video, Audio, and Imagery Analysis for Search, Data Mining, Surveillance and Authoring
Multimedia Information Extraction: Advances in Video, Audio, and Imagery Analysis for Search, Data Mining, Surveillance and Authoring

The advent of increasingly large consumer collections of audio(e.g., iTunes), imagery (e.g., Flickr), and video (e.g., YouTube)is driving a need not only for multimedia retrieval but alsoinformation extraction from and across media. Furthermore,industrial and government collections fuel requirements for stockmedia access, media preservation,...

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