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Creativity in Public Relations (PR in Practice)
Creativity in Public Relations (PR in Practice)
Creative input is inevitably required of the PR practitioner, and yet many PR practitioners lack a real understanding of the creative process. Creativity in Public Relations addresses this situation. It guides the reader through a range of techniques and tips for generating creative ideas, as described by the "five I's"...
IQ and Aptitude Tests: Assess your verbal, numerical, and spatial reasoning skills
IQ and Aptitude Tests: Assess your verbal, numerical, and spatial reasoning skills
An aptitude test is designed to measure your potential for achievement, whilst an IQ test is a standardized test designed to measure intelligence. You are now increasingly likely to encounter both types of test in recruitment, selection and assessment procedures.
IQ and Aptitude Tests contains 400...
Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient: Discover Your True Intelligence
Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient: Discover Your True Intelligence

Test and Assess Your Brain Quotient helps readers assess their different types of intelligence: creativity, logic, lateral thinking, memory, and emotional. It consists of numerous tests and assessments which examine agility of mind, powers of logical analysis, numerical, verbal and spatial aptitudes, memory and...

Shut Up and Listen: The Truth about How to Communicate at Work
Shut Up and Listen: The Truth about How to Communicate at Work

We are much better communicators when we know more about ourselves, think about how and what we communicate and act according to the changes in our circumstance and environment. These are the principles this book is based on.

So, there are three main sections, starting with a short course in self-awareness so that you can find out...

Win at Work: Navigate the Nasties, Get Things Done and Get Ahead
Win at Work: Navigate the Nasties, Get Things Done and Get Ahead
There was a small manufacturing company in Southampton, England that had been going through some tough times. Revenues were down almost 30 per cent, and every department was feeling the pinch. Jonas, a 24-year-old salesman who had just been called into the president’s office, wasn’t expecting good news. He was the youngest and...
A Quick Start Guide to Podcasting: Creating Your Own Audio and Visual Materials for iPods, Blackberries, Mobile Phones and Websites
A Quick Start Guide to Podcasting: Creating Your Own Audio and Visual Materials for iPods, Blackberries, Mobile Phones and Websites

We live in exciting times. The internet is arguably the fastest

growing cultural phenomenon in the world, ever. You and I are lucky enough to have been born in time to catch one of those moments in human history when everything changes. Right now we’re in the middle of a
Career, Aptitude and Selection Tests: Match Your IQ, Personality and Abilities to Your Ideal Career
Career, Aptitude and Selection Tests: Match Your IQ, Personality and Abilities to Your Ideal Career

It can be difficult for job hunters to pinpoint exactly what they want to do. Now in its third edition, Career, Aptitude and Selection Tests points readers in the right direction. With a range of IQ tests and searching questionnaires, it helps job seekers work out what area of work they should be focusing on by identifying...

The PowerPoint Detox: Reinvent Your Slides and Add Power to Your Presentation
The PowerPoint Detox: Reinvent Your Slides and Add Power to Your Presentation
Presentations matter. There can be a great deal hanging on them and rarely, if one fails to work, do you get a second chance. A poor presentation can blight a plan, a proposal, a reputation – even a career. But making a good one is not easy, as a quotation from Sir George Jessel makes clear: ‘The...
The Advertised Mind: Groundbreaking Insights into How Our Brains Respond to Advertising
The Advertised Mind: Groundbreaking Insights into How Our Brains Respond to Advertising

I was aware of the existence of this book (published in Dutch) even before Erik du Plessis’ company, Impact, became part of Millward Brown, and have since urged him to update it and get it published in English. The result is essentially a new book that expands on the original to provide new insight.

This book is unlike

How to Pass Data Interpretation Tests: Unbeatable Practice for Numerical and Quantitative Reasoning and Problem Solving Tests (Testing Series)
How to Pass Data Interpretation Tests: Unbeatable Practice for Numerical and Quantitative Reasoning and Problem Solving Tests (Testing Series)
This book provides everything you need for a successful programme of revision or review. It contains 330 practice questions with answers and explanations, advice on how to show your true potential and signposts to sources of further practice material.

Tests of data interpretation are fast
Leadership and Motivation: The Fifty-Fifty Rule and the Eight Key Principles of Motivating Others
Leadership and Motivation: The Fifty-Fifty Rule and the Eight Key Principles of Motivating Others
What motivates people – what makes them tick – is a subject of perennial fascination. It is especially important for practical leaders in industry, commerce and the public services – and indeed to anyone who works with other people – to think about this question in some depth.

What is
Advanced IQ Tests: The Toughest Practice Questions to Test Your Lateral Thinking, Problem Solving and Reasoning Skills (Testing Series)
Advanced IQ Tests: The Toughest Practice Questions to Test Your Lateral Thinking, Problem Solving and Reasoning Skills (Testing Series)
In several of my earlier Kogan Page titles I have provided readers with the opportunity to obtain a greater understanding of IQ testing by means of practice tests in which readers have been able to familiarize themselves with the type of questions they are likely to encounter when taking such tests.

In this book
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