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The Moral Media: How Journalists Reason About Ethics (Lea's Communication Series)
The Moral Media: How Journalists Reason About Ethics (Lea's Communication Series)
The Moral Media provides readers with preliminary answers to questions about ethical thinking in a professional environment. Representing one of the first publications of journalists' and advertising practitioners' response to the Defining Issues Test (DIT), this book compares thinking about ethics by these two groups with the...
Handbook of Language and Social Interaction (LEA's Communication Series)
Handbook of Language and Social Interaction (LEA's Communication Series)
Language and Social Interaction is an interdisciplinary approach to studying the everyday
practices and details that make up the complexities and multifunctionality of human
communication. This area has reached a level of maturity that calls for a handbook specific
to its concerns. That maturity is noticeable in a distinctive body of
Biotechnology and Communication : The Meta-Technologies of Information (LEA's Communication Series)
Biotechnology and Communication : The Meta-Technologies of Information (LEA's Communication Series)
This collection, limited as it is to a single volume, is far from exhaustive.
A complete research agenda for biotechnology’s impact on and implications
for information, communication, and culture would also include the
changing nature of individual and social identity, changes in organizational
form and financial
Everyday Matters in Science and Mathematics: Studies of Complex Classroom Events
Everyday Matters in Science and Mathematics: Studies of Complex Classroom Events
This book results from a multiyear collaboration made possible by the National
Center for Improving Student Learning and Achievement housed at
the Wisconsin Center for Educational Research, University of Wisconsin,
Madison. This collaboration focused on investigating the nature of learning
in science and mathematics classrooms
How Professionals Make Decisions (Expertise: Research and Applications)
How Professionals Make Decisions (Expertise: Research and Applications)
The essays in this collection are the product of the 2000 Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM) Conference. They attempt to discover progress made in the field since the first volume was published in 1993. Individual paper address topics such as planning under time pressure, managing complex dynamic systems and making ethical decisions.
Multicultural Assessment: Principles, Applications and Examples
Multicultural Assessment: Principles, Applications and Examples
If you are reading this preface, you are probably currently taking a graduate
assessment course, or have completed assessment training, or practice
as a professional psychologist. You may wonder why these courses contain
little that is relevant for assessment practice with all those persons
who are not included in normative data
Psychopathology : Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding
Psychopathology : Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding
Since 1990, more than thirty textbooks for undergraduate abnormal psychology courses have
been published. This count does not include revised editions of existing books. The same period
has seen the publication of numerous "handbooks" in psychopathology and psychiatry, which
are conceived primarily as reference books for
Computers and Writing: The Cyborg Era
Computers and Writing: The Cyborg Era
In the mid 1960s, when a single chip contained an average of 50 transistors,
Gordon Moore observed that integrated circuits were doubling in complexity
every year. In an influential article published by Electronics Magazine in 1965,
Moore predicted that this trend would continue for the next 10 years. Despite
being criticized
Assessing Expressive Learning: A Practical Guide for Teacher-directed Authentic Assessment in K-12 Visual Arts Education
Assessing Expressive Learning: A Practical Guide for Teacher-directed Authentic Assessment in K-12 Visual Arts Education
Assessing Expressive Learning was inspired by the concerns of its authors
that thinking about and making art should remain one of the principal goals of Art
Education in K–12 American schools. Furthermore, K–12 art teachers should be
considered the ones most qualified to answer the question of what it is that children...
The Sourcebook of Nonverbal Measures: Going Beyond Words
The Sourcebook of Nonverbal Measures: Going Beyond Words
A few years ago, a bold graduate student in communication, Jack Sargent (now a
faculty member and contributor to this book) asked me, and several other experienced
researchers who study nonverbal behavior, to be part of a conference panel.
At that time, Jack was interested in doing a study that used coding and rating techniques...
A Primer of Signal Detection Theory
A Primer of Signal Detection Theory
Signal Detection Theory (SDT) has had, and continues to have, an
enormous impact on many branches of psychology. Although its initial
applications were in the interpretation of sensory processes, its domain
has since widened considerably. For example, concepts derived
from SDT are widely used in memory research and in studies of
International Assignments: An Integration of Strategy, Research, and Practice
International Assignments: An Integration of Strategy, Research, and Practice
Although the authors of this book and I approach the strategic challenges of globalization
from different perspectives, we've come to a similar conclusion: that the
"people" imperative is often overlooked when companies decide to enter new
countries or world regions. Stroh, Black, Mendenhall, and Gregersen base their...
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