The official web2py manual. 3rd Edition. Includes many new pages (537 total).
web2py was launched in 2007 and now, after three years of continuous development, we have reached a very much needed third edition of this book. During this time web2py has managed to win the affection of many knowledgeable users and developers who share... |  |  Clever Algorithms: Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes
The need for this project was born of frustration while working towards my
PhD. I was investigating optimization algorithms and was implementing
a large number of them for a software platform called the Optimization
Algorithm Toolkit (OAT)1. Each algorithm required considerable effort
to locate the relevant source material (from... |  |  Introduction to Embedded Systems: A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach
The most visible use of computers and software is processing information for human
consumption. We use them to write books (like this one), search for information
on the web, communicate via email, and keep track of financial data. The vast
majority of computers in use, however, are much less visible. They run the engine,
brakes,... |
 The Architecture Of Open Source Applications
Carpentry is an exacting craft, and people can spend their entire lives learning how to do it well.
But carpentry is not architecture: if we step back from pitch boards and miter joints, buildings as a
whole must be designed, and doing that is as much an art as it is a craft or science.
Programming is also an exacting... |  |  Salesforce Handbook
This book is not intended to be a deep-dive on security, programming, reporting, configuration, etc. but more of a high-level overview on salesforce.com, Force.com development, tools, methodology and other resources. We will not cover all aspects of salesforce.com. We wrote this book to (hopefully) become an invaluable resource for anyone new... |  |  JavaScript glossary on demand
Using an innovative and unusual approach in the programming field, this book could somehow be compared to a waterfall: it starts quietly, by describing simple basic terms, and then accelerates until it covers most modern features towards the end. For absolute beginners or more advanced developers, this book explains the most common terms used in... |
 Programming Cookbook
This book brings together many of my routines that have been programmed over the years. Routines range from fading a screen up and down and moving tiles around in Mappy, the tile map editor which can be found at www.tilemap.co.uk The code in this book have been written using GLBasic, C, Javascript, PureBasic, DarkBasic Professional and... |  |  Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals
Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals takes the reader from the basic design principles of the modern digital computer to a top-level examination of its architecture. This book can serve either as a textbook to an introductory course on computer hardware or as the basic text for the aspiring geek who wants to learn about digital... |  |  Cthulhu Cult
The Cult of Cthulhu shall never die. Its untenable spirit, unearthly and ichorous, is spreading far and wide through the Matrix-esque reality program that we are immersed in. As you read these words, try to wake up from the illusions surrounding you. This book is our manifesto, our truth, our bible! Cthulhu Cult is the integration of H.P.... |
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