php/architect's Guide to Enterprise PHP DevelopmentWe live in a fast-paced world. Looking over the last decade, the world has changed so radically - politically, economically and culturally - that it’s difficult to believe only 10 years have passed. Technology is certainly no exception. It’s easy to overlook the huge changes in the way technology is used in our daily lives - because... |  |  php|architect's Guide to Web Scraping
Today , there aremany services out there providing news feeds, and there are plenty of code libraries that can parse this data. So, with the proliferation of web services and public APIs, why is web scraping still so important to the future of the Web? It is important because of the rise ofmicroformats, Semantic Web technologies, theW3C... |  |  The PHP Playbook
The finest schools and best programming books in the world offer a plethora of information
about how to string bits of code together into elegant applications and
programs. They discuss grand theories of operation, talk about design patterns on a
conceptual and enterprise-level field, and teach us the syntax, idiosyncrasies and, in... |