 Hacking Exposed 7: Network Security Secrets and Solutions
The latest tactics for thwarting digital attacks
“Our new reality is zero-day, APT, and state-sponsored attacks. Today, more than ever, security professionals need to get into the hacker’s mind, methods, and toolbox to successfully deter such relentless assaults. This edition brings readers abreast with the... |  |  |  |  MySQL and JSON: A Practical Programming Guide
Practical instruction on using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) with MySQL
This hands-on guide teaches, step by step, how to use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) with MySQL. Written by a MySQL Community Manager for Oracle, MySQL and JSON: A Practical Programming Guide... |
 Family Medicine: Ambulatory Care and Prevention
A quick reference guide to the diagnosis and treatment of common primary care problems. The information is presented in such a way as to help students and physicians quickly form a list of possible diagnoses, perform a cost-effective diagnostic work-up, and prescribe therapy for the most common causes of acute and chronic complaints.... |  |  Gastric Bypass Surgery: Everything You Need to Know to Make an Informed Decision
Some 22 million Americans are morbidly obese. For many of them, gastric bypass surgery appears to offer the only hope of long-term weight loss. Once viewed as a radical weight-loss alternative, the surgery is becoming increasingly popular. In 2002, more than 100,000 Americans elected to have the procedure done.
Written by a medical... |  |  Clinical Malignant Hematology
The only comprehensive guide to the clinical management of hematologic and lymphatic cancers
"This will be an ideal and a must-have book for anyone involved in the daily care of patients with hematologic malignancies. It would be particularly useful for physicians-in-training... |
 Case Files Emergency Medicine (LANGE Case Files)
The closest a student can get to the wards without seeing patients!
"I think any student doing a rotation in emergency medicine would benefit from these case scenarios. It provides a practical approach to a disease while highlighting the points that are often tested on... |  |  Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists (Malone, Drug Information)
Over the last ten years, there has been an increasing realization of the importance of information. Much of this can be related to the increased availability of Internet information sources throughout society, along with the ease by which material can be located and used. The impact of the Internet can also been seen in this book. The first... |  |  Behavioral Medicine: A Guide for Clinical Practice, Third Edition
"This is an extraordinarily thorough, useful book. It manages to summarize numerous topics, many of which are not a part of a traditional medical curriculum, in concise, relevant chapters. Physicians who do not understand the dynamics behind the doctor-patient relationship usually end up being... |
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