 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Internals (Pro - Developer)
Delve inside the core SQL Server engine—and put that knowledge to work—with guidance from a team of well-known internals experts. Whether database developer, architect, or administrator, you’ll gain the deep knowledge you need to exploit key architectural changes—and capture the product’s full potential. ... |  |  Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG) Administrator's Companion
Get your Web security, network perimeter security, and application layer security gateway up and running smoothly. This indispensible, single-volume reference details the features and capabilities of Microsoft® Forefront® Threat Management Gateway (TMG). You'll gain the real-world insights, implementation and configuration best... |  |  CLR via C# (Pro-Developer)
Dig deep and master the intricacies of the common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework 4.0. Written by a highly regarded programming expert and consultant to the Microsoft® .NET team, this guide is ideal for developers building any kind of application-including Microsoft® ASP.NET, Windows® Forms, Microsoft® SQL... |
 The Practical Guide to Defect Prevention (Best Practices)This practical, hands-on guide captures, categorizes, and builds a process of best practices to avoid creating defects during the development process—rather than fixing them after extensive analysis. While there are various proprietary and competing standards for reducing software defects, these methods suffer from issues surrounding... |  |  Windows 7 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft))
Experience learning made easy—and quickly teach yourself the essentials of working with Windows 7. With STEP BY STEP, you set the pace—building and practicing the skills you need, just when you need them! Learn to manage windows and folders, sort and filter files, create an efficient Windows working environment, and safely... |  |  Microsoft® System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Administrator's CompanionGet the definitive guide for administering System Center Configuration Manager 2007 straight from an expert. This comprehensive reference delivers all the information you need to plan, design, deploy, and manage mission-critical software updates and help maximize your organization s productivity. This comprehensive administrator s reference... |
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