Wonder World Under WaterNearly three-quarters of our earth is covered by water. Yet we, living on land, usually know more about land creatures than our aquatic denizens. We have many kinds of watery environments, from the fast, clear, cold streams of the Himalaya to the placid rivers of the plains, and natural as well as man-made lakes and ponds. Moreover, we have a long... |  |  Adventures of a Wildlife WardenStretched along the foot of a high mountain range is the Kookal Wildlife Sanctuary. A slope of the mountain, some foot-hills and a bit of the plains form the sanctuary. It was well-wooded country and sheltered several kinds of wildlife. Kookal was usually green , dark and cool, except in summer when it became rather warm and dry. As the years went... |  |  My Journey to the Magnetic North PoleI was born in the city of Ahmedabad. I have two elder brothers, and two sisters, one ofwhom is younger than me. My elder sister chose my name, "Preety". It means "attachment" or "affection".
I like to believe that I gotmy idealism from my father,and a sense of aes thetics from my mother. Unfortunately, I... |