Print designers work in images, shapes, and color: not code. The last thing many of them want to do is to translate their work into mono-spaced tags and numbers, divs and ids. But print designers can't ignore the web and producing a design for the web has become a common part of a complete graphics package. And,...
Scriptin’ with JavaScript and Ajax is the third in a series of books
aimed at introducing designers and programmers to the process
of developing browser-based interfaces. The first, Stylin’ with CSS,
focuses on the structure and styling of content, and the second,
Codin’ for the Web, focuses on the three-tier...
Take the book you’re holding in your hands right now, and resize it so that
it’s easier to read.
Don’t feel bad—I’ve given you an impossible exercise, but I promise the
book will be filled with practical instead of ridiculous exercises from here on
out. That’s because we’re going to...
With Writing for the Web, you’ll learn everything you need to know to create effective Web content using words, pictures, and sound. Follow along as instructor and writer Lynda Felder combines easy-to-follow guidelines with photographs, lists, and tables to illustrate the key concepts behind writing nonlinear, interactive...
Welcome to the second edition of the Remy & Bruce show. Since the first edition of this book came out in July 2010, much has changed: support for HTML5 is much more widespread; Internet Explorer 9 finally came out; Google Chrome announced it would drop support for H.264 video; Opera experimented with video streaming...
This best-selling guide to NewTek's LightWave 3D animation software has now been completely updated for LightWave v10 by award-winning animator and trainer Dan Ablan. This down-to-earth, easy-to-follow guide offers an invaluable set of real-world project tutorials that teach you the ins and outs of LightWave and show you the techniques...
This is the book we wish we’d had when we were first introduced to agile
methods. We want to show how design and agile are a natural fit together.
How bringing together the people who build the products you design with the
people who use the products you design will lead to better decisions and better
A few years back, photography legend Chase Jarvis smartly observed that
“the best camera is the one that’s with you.” It was a mildly shocking assertion
at the time, but it rings true: the perfect shot is rarely planned. Rather, it sneaks
up on you.
A unified content strategy is about much more than just content. It’s about how
you create content once and how you publish many times from that content. It’s
about pulling together the best practices, guidelines, and content structure your
organization needs to enable you to rapidly design, build, test, and deliver a...
Professional modeling is the foundation of every aspect of the 3D production pipeline and is essential to the success of any 3D computer graphics project. [digital] Modeling is unlike any other modeling book you’ve seen—it gets to the core of what it takes to create efficient production-ready models and demystifies the...
For a long time—and especially around 1994, when the World Wide Web
was just getting its jumpstart—the Internet appeared to many as a vast pool
of information just sitting in cyberspace. People who used the Internet for
research “cast their nets” by entering queries into a search engine, and then