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Coaching Skills: A Handbook
Coaching Skills: A Handbook

Review of the first edition:

"I have just read my first - and probably last - whole book on coaching. It is my last because it has done the job, giving me the most comprehensive examination of the art."
David Amos, former Deputy Director of HR at the DoH, writing in the Health Service

Java in the Small
Java in the Small
We have called this unit 'Java in the small' after atermcoined by DeRemer and Kron in a 1976 paper.This refers to the programming of the internal parts of programs, in particular the contentsofmethods. The previous unit introduced the idea of objectscommunicating through the invocation of methods on objects. In this unit you will...
Input, Output and Exceptions
Input, Output and Exceptions
Communication is vital. It is also potentially unreliable. This is true of human communication, but also of communication between humans and computers, or equally when one computer communicates with another across a network.

There are two fundamentally different ways of communicating with a Java program. In this

It is often the case that you would like a program to be able to do more than one thing at a time. You might, for example, want to monitor the keyboard for a key being pressed by a user and, at the same time, track the movement of the mouse by the user and repaint the screen. Each of these tasks can be thought of as a single thread in a...

Java in the Large
Java in the Large
The previous unit described the 'small' programming structures that languages such as Java offer. We have been concerned largely with how we store and operate on data, and how methods achieve their purposes. In this unit, we aim to show that Java is truly an object-oriented language. Object-oriented languages provide better...
Graphical User Interfaces
Graphical User Interfaces

In the previous unit we described how data such as that from a file could be communicated to a Java program. However, there is also a need to handle data that is communicated in more diverse fashions and, in particular, directly from a human. Such data is often taken into a system via a graphical user interface (GUI). GUI design is a major...

Packages and Abstraction
Packages and Abstraction
In thisunit,weconsider anumber of facilities of Java that are particularly useful for structuring larger systems.

Classesand class hierarchies are the fundamental structuring concepts for Java programs. In larger programs, consisting of many classes, we oftenneed ahigher level of structure also. The Java language provides the
Event-Driven Programming
Event-Driven Programming
The previous unit, Unit 6, has shown you how to create graphical user interfaces that contain a wide range of components and have quite sophisticated layouts. You are also in a position now to make use of Java reference material to investigate and use other components and layouts. However, when the user clicks on a button or enters text, nothing...
'Lets Do Java
'Lets Do Java
The underlying theme of this course is that Java is a highly portable programming language and is able to run on a very wide range of platforms.

This means that Java software may be required to run on very small scale systems with few resources, such as very limited storage or very small displays, as well as on large networks
Internet Programming
Internet Programming
So far, we have described many features of the Java programming language that are broadly equivalent to those in other programming languages. This unit marks a change in that we will consider some of the more distinctive aspects of Java, which make it very popular for internet-related programming. We will describe how to use Java to program...
Nursing Older Adults
Nursing Older Adults

"Never was a book like this more urgently needed. Its combination of authority and experience makes it especially valuable. Its wisdom is based on the knowledge and understanding of how growing frail really afflicts older people. We who have known independence and freedom need to have our lives respected. This book makes a good...

Mobile and Wireless Communications
Mobile and Wireless Communications
One of the very first books published on the social impact of the mobile phone was Timo Kopomaa’s The City in Your Pocket: Birth of the Mobile Information Society. The book, published in 2000, was based on research that Kopomaa had undertaken for Nokia and Sonera as part of his doctoral studies in the Centre for Urban and Regional Studies at...
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