 Google Hacks: Tips & Tools for Finding and Using the World's InformationEveryone knows that Google lets you search billions of web pages. But few people realize that Google also gives you hundreds of cool ways to organize and play with information.
Since we released the last edition of this bestselling book, Google has added many new features and services to its expanding... |  |  Inside .MacIf you're like me, your Mac is like the Sun at the center of the solar system. It's the hub of all your activity. You use your Mac for work and play, and more importantly, to keep in contact with the outside world. In today's connected, Internet world, your Mac plays a vital role in how you communicate and share information... |  |  Essential Mac OS X Panther Server AdministrationFrom the command line to Apple's graphical tools, this book uses a thorough, fundamental approach that leads readers to mastery of every aspect of the server. Full of much-needed insight, clear explanations, troubleshooting tips, and security information in every chapter, the book shows system administrators how to utilize the... |
 The Internet: The Missing ManualThe Internet is almost synonymous with change--that's one of its charms, and one of its headaches. You may think you know the Internet, but are you really up to speed on internet telephones, movie and TV downloading, blogging, gaming, online banking, dating, and photosharing?
This utterly current book... |  |  FrontPage 2003 (The Missing Manual)In today's highly connected world, almost everybody has a web site, from local sewing circles to the world's largest corporations. If you're ready for one of your own, Microsoft's FrontPage 2003 has everything you need to create Web pages. It's true. Your geek friends may howl in contempt if you use FrontPage, but that's because the program has a... |  |  AppleScript in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick ReferenceAppleScript in a Nutshell is the first complete reference to AppleScript, the popular programming language that gives both power users and sophisticated enterprise customers the important ability to automate repetitive tasks and customize applications. As the Macintosh continues to expand and solidify ... |
 PHP Cookbook
When it comes to creating dynamic web sites, the open source PHP language is red-hot property: used on more than 20 million web sites today, PHP is now more popular than Microsoft's ASP.NET technology. With our Cookbook's unique format, you can learn how to build dynamic web applications that work on any web browser.... |  |  Peer-to-Peer : Harnessing the Power of Disruptive Technologies
The term "peer-to-peer" has come to be applied to networks that expect end users to contribute their own files, computing time, or other resources to some shared project. Even more interesting than the systems' technical underpinnings are their socially disruptive potential: in various ways they return content, choice, and... |  |  Programming the Perl DBIThe DBI is the standard database interface for the Perl programming language. The DBI is databaseindependent, which means that it can work with just about any database, such as Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Access, MySQL, etc.
While we assume that readers of this book have some experience with Perl, we don't assume much familiarity with... |
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