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Just Hibernate
Just Hibernate
If you’re looking for a short, sweet, and simple introduction (or reintroduction) to Hibernate, this is the book you want. Through clear real-world examples, you’ll learn Hibernate and object-relational mapping from the ground up, starting with the basics. Then you’ll dive into the framework’s moving parts to...
Études for Erlang
Études for Erlang

Welcome to Études for Erlang. In this book, you will find descriptions of programs that you can write in Erlang. The programs will usually be short, and each one has been designed to provide practice material for a particular Erlang programming concept. These programs have not been designed to be of considerable difficulty, though they...

XML Publishing with Adobe InDesign
XML Publishing with Adobe InDesign
In this book, we will be referring to InDesign CS5, and previous versions of the program back to CS3, generically as "InDesign CS". When there are important differences in the version's XML features, we will indicate for which version the screen shot or other information applies. Many features are not different from one...
Developing with PDF: Dive Into the Portable Document Format
Developing with PDF: Dive Into the Portable Document Format

PDF is becoming the standard for digital documents worldwide, but it’s not easy to learn on your own. With capabilities that let you use a variety of images and text, embed audio and video, and provide links and navigation, there’s a lot to explore. This practical guide helps you understand how to work with PDF to...

Privacy and Big Data
Privacy and Big Data

Much of what constitutes Big Data is information about us. Through our online activities, we leave an easy-to-follow trail of digital footprints that reveal who we are, what we buy, where we go, and much more. This eye-opening book explores the raging privacy debate over the use of personal data, with one undeniable conclusion: once...

CSS Fonts
CSS Fonts

From custom fonts to ad-hoc font families you assemble out of a variety of individual faces, CSS 3 gives you more typographic options than ever before. This concise guide shows you how to use CSS properties to gain a fine-grained and wide-ranging influence over how you display fonts on the Web.

Short and sweet, this book...

You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes

No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don’t fully understand the language. This concise, in-depth guide takes you inside JavaScript’s this structure and object prototypes. You’ll learn how they work and why they’re integral to behavior delegation—a design pattern in which...

Client-Server Web Apps with JavaScript and Java
Client-Server Web Apps with JavaScript and Java

As a Java programmer, how can you tackle the disruptive client-server approach to web development? With this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn how today’s client-side technologies and web APIs work with various Java tools. Author Casimir Saternos provides the big picture of client-server development, and then takes you...

C++ Pocket Reference
C++ Pocket Reference

C++ is a complex language with many subtle facets. This is especially true when it comes to object-oriented and template programming. The C++ Pocket Reference is a memory aid for C++ programmers, enabling them to quickly look up usage and syntax for unfamiliar and infrequently used aspects of the language. The book's small...

Developing with Google+
Developing with Google+

Would you like to integrate Google+ with an existing website, or build your own social application on the platform? Developing with Google+ takes you on a tour of the Google+ APIs, with lots of concrete examples and hands-on projects. You’ll learn how to take advantage of Google+ social plug-ins, communicate...

Mac OS X Pocket Reference: A User's Guide to Mac OS X
Mac OS X Pocket Reference: A User's Guide to Mac OS X

Apple's new operating system, Mac OS X, is reaching a critical mass. Its sleek Aqua interface, combined with a powerful BSD Unix core, bring usability and stability to a new level. As companies start to migrate to Mac OS X from earlier versions of the Mac OS and from other flavors of Unix, IT managers are looking for a quick...

Managing the Windows NT Registry
Managing the Windows NT Registry

The Windows NT Registry is the repository for all hardware, software, and application configuration settings, and Managing the Windows NT Registry is the system administrator's guide to maintaining, monitoring, and updating the Registry database. The book addresses four main areas:

  • What is the...
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