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Play Framework Cookbook
Play Framework Cookbook

Looking at the past years of application development, as a developer you might have noticed a significant shift from desktop applications to web applications. The Web has evolved as the major platform for applications and is going to take over many facets—not only in development but also in everyday life, resulting in this shift...

NHibernate 3 Beginner's Guide
NHibernate 3 Beginner's Guide

NHibernate 3 Beginner's Guide examines all of the topics required to get a functional data-access layer implemented while writing the least amount of code possible, presenting options along the way to handle particular edge cases or situations as they arise. The book begins with an introduction to NHibernate 3 and then moves on to...

Professional Plone 4 Development
Professional Plone 4 Development

I suspect Martin plied me to write this foreword while out one evening during the 2010 Plone Conference in Bristol. Full from an excellent dinner and even better conversation, beer in hand, who could say no?

I've long envied Martin's ability to write. Text and code flow from his fingers at a rate that I can't even begin...

Magento 1.4 Theming Cookbook
Magento 1.4 Theming Cookbook

Welcome dear reader to this Magento theming book. In this book, we are going to discover how to modify or create Magento themes from scratch. As you are reading this book, I assume you already know how great a tool this open source solution is. Though we will go through some of the basics, like installing and some theoretical concepts,...

Kohana 3.0 Beginner's Guide
Kohana 3.0 Beginner's Guide

The Kohana framework for PHP 5 is a robust library for rapidly creating applications. No previous experience with Kohana, CodeIgniter, or MVC frameworks is assumed or needed to understand and use this book, and any previous experience will only assist you as we learn the Kohana framework from the ground up.

This book follows the...

Moodle 2.0 E-Learning Course Development
Moodle 2.0 E-Learning Course Development

Moodle is the leading open source learning management system. Using Moodle, teachers can easily construct richly-textured web-based courses. A course can consist of a number of lessons, with each lesson including reading materials; activities such as quizzes, tests, surveys, and projects; and social elements that encourage interaction and...

haXe 2 Beginner's Guide
haXe 2 Beginner's Guide

Remember the olden days?

I vaguely remember this odd box called a computer gradually conquering corners of my living room and bedroom. Can you recall those times? We would "use a computer" for some specific tasks, such as writing a letter.

The term computer was quite popular back then. Now, the word is no...

Rhomobile Beginner's Guide
Rhomobile Beginner's Guide

The Rhomobile Beginner's guide will speak to every developer's mind, and especially to the technocrats looking for a reliable cross-platform framework encouraging them to explore and try out these wonderful products by Rhomobile. This book guides you step by step to build an enterprise mobile application from scratch, through to...

OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook
OpenGL 4.0 Shading Language Cookbook

The OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) Version 4.0 brings unprecedented power and flexibility to programmers interested in creating modern, interactive, graphical programs. It allows us to harness the power of modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) in a straightforward way by providing a simple, yet powerful, language and API.


Alfresco 3 Cookbook
Alfresco 3 Cookbook

Alfresco is the renowned and multiple award-winning open source Enterprise content management system which allows you to build, design, and implement your very own ECM solutions.

You have read a number of tutorials, blogs, and books on Alfresco. Now you're in the real world, trying to use Alfresco, but you're running into...

NetBeans IDE 7 Cookbook
NetBeans IDE 7 Cookbook

Welcome to the NetBeans Cookbook.

NetBeans is a Java Integrated Development Environment, IDE, which enables fast application development with the most adopted frameworks, technologies, and servers.

Different than other IDEs, NetBeans comes already pre-packaged with a wide range of functionality out of the box, such...

Sage Beginner's Guide
Sage Beginner's Guide

Results matter, whether you are a mathematician, scientist, or engineer. The time that you spend doing tedious mathematical calculations could be spent in more productive ways. Sage is an open-source mathematical software system that helps you perform many mathematical tasks. There is no reason to compute integrals or perform algebraic...

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