![](https://pic.pdfchm.net/empty.gif) Unity AI Game Programming - Second Edition
Leverage the power of Unity 5 to create fun and unbelievable AI entities in your games!
About This Book
Compose richer games by learning the essential concepts in artificial intelligence with exciting examples
Explore the brand new Unity 5 features that make implementing artificial...
| ![](https://www.pdfchm.net/pic/empty.gif) | ![](https://pic.pdfchm.net/empty.gif) OpenCV for Secret Agents
Use OpenCV in six secret projects to augment your home, car, phone, eyesight, and any photo or drawing
About This Book
Build OpenCV apps for the desktop, the Raspberry Pi, Android, and the Unity game engine
Learn real-time techniques that can be used to classify images, detecting and...
| ![](https://www.pdfchm.net/pic/empty.gif) | ![](https://pic.pdfchm.net/empty.gif) Docker Orchestration
Key Features
Explore the new features added to the core Docker Engine to make multi-container orchestration easy
Leverage tools such as Docker Machine, Swarm, Compose, and third-party tools such as Kubernetes, Mesosphere, and CoreOS to orchestrate containers
Use Docker Compose with Swarm and
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