 PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites : Visual QuickPro Guide, Second EditionIt hasn't taken Web developers long to discover that when it comes to creating dynamic, database-driven Web sites, MySQL and PHP provide a winning open source combination. Add this book to the mix, and there's no limit to the powerful, interactive Web sites that users can create. With step-by-step instructions, complete scripts, and expert... |  |  Real World Adobe Illustrator CS2How do you define a serious Illustrator user? How about one who uses Illustrator to produce robust and professional-looking vector graphics but also needs the program to be flexible and efficient in workflow and production cycles. If this describes you or the user you strive to be, then you need this book Filled with the industrial-strength... |  |  Adobe Photoshop CS/CS2 BreakthroughsAdobe Photoshop is industry standard digital image software and users are hungry for solutions to their myriad concerns--from how best to manage the program's sometimes unwieldy interface to how to use the new Vanishing Point tool. Photoshop guru David Blatner has scoured the online forums, interviewed Adobe... |
 Graphic Design Portfolio-Builder : Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator ProjectsSelf-paced, self-guided instruction is all well and good, but at the end of the day, most people could use a little feedback--especially when they're ready to build a design portfolio and hit the job market. Not to worry, this book provides actual instructor feedback along with the self-paced, individualized instruction in Photoshop and Illustrator... |  |  Real World Adobe® Photoshop® CS2: Industrial-Strength Production TechniquesFooling around with Photoshop to create interesting composite artwork is all well and good. But if you rely on Photoshop to meet tough production challenges in a fast-paced professional environment, fooling around won't cut it! You need results, and you need them now: This book delivers! In this copiously illustrated volume, best-selling authors... |  |  Secrets of the iPod and iTunes Fifth EditionYou tried to resist it, but the palm-size, cotton candycolored iPod Mini proved too alluring to live without! Knowing that you'll want to learn all of its secretsplus those of its big-sibling iPod and the newly updated iTunes 4.7 as welltrusted Mac teacher Christopher Breen has thoroughly updated his best-selling... |
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