 Final Cut Pro X: Making the Transition
Final Cut Pro X was born amid controversy.
And that is a shame, because if you ignore the trauma surrounding its birth, there’s
a lot of exciting new technology, power, and ease of use hiding under the hood.
That got me thinking about writing this book.
When you decide to move to... |  |  The iPad 2 Project Book
We saw our first iPad in a theater in Hollywood, California, in the
summer of 1968. It appeared in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey,
and the iPad (called a Newspad in the Arthur C. Clarke novel on
which the movie is based) made its debut when astronaut Dave
Bowman used it to view the news while having a horrific-looking
meal... |  |  Android UI Fundamentals: Develop &Design (Develop and Design)
There is a revolution happening in the technology industry. Touchscreen interfaces,
combined with low-cost and ubiquitous smartphones, have created a perfect storm
for disruptive innovation. Android is at the forefront of this change, bringing a free
and open-source platform on which developers can create the next generation of... |
 iPad: Visual QuickStart Guide (Visual Quickstart Guides)
You’ve seen the TV ads in which happy,
purposeful people use iPads to type
messages, watch movies, play games,
video-chat with grandchildren, and surf
the Web from hammocks. On the cuttingroom
floor, however, is the footage where
those actors actually learned how to do
all that stuff. Despite its clean lines... |  |  The iPad for Photographers: Master the Newest Tool in Your Camera Bag
Photographers carry gear. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a pro with
multiple camera bodies and lenses or a casual shooter with an ever-present
point-and-shoot camera—there’s always stuff to pack along. And if you’re
traveling or away from your office or studio, part of that gear typically... |  |  jQuery Mobile: Develop and Design
Smartphone, tablet, and e-reader statistics are showing an unprecedented adoption rate, making the mobile web a very hot topic and requiring a new set of skills from web developers and designers. Mobile device usage is skyrocketing; according to Nielsen’s third-quarter 2011 Mobile Media Report, “44 percent of... |
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